17 different women, 36 crazy children, 0 babies in utero
Adventures, Advice and Questions from a group of Mormon women who met in Queens, NY and have now scattered all over the place.
Friday, December 21, 2007
1st person Mary...
I was asked to speak in sacrament this Sunday as part of our Christmas program. I am very excited because they asked me to speak in first person as Mary and how I would feel at receiving the news that I was chosen to give birth to the Savior. I will essentially act it out. I would LOVE any feelings on the subject that perhaps I can interject in my talk. I have already written it and I may share it here after Sunday, but please give me any ideas you may have so I can make it even better. How would you feel if you were Mary????
Last Christmas I was asked to do a similar thing for the Primary children's "Journey to Bethlehem" activity. I was to play Elizabeth. I read through the account of Christ's birth in Jesus The Christ and I found that to be really helpful.
Claire at 12/21/2007 09:33:00 PM
Last Christmas I was also pregnant with our first child and I found that in being pregnant I gained a new love for Mary and her role in Heavenly Father's plan. What a special woman she must have been! It breaks my heart to think of the pains she must have felt, knowing that her son, her perfect little baby, would one day grow up to be tortured and killed. I'm sure Heavenly Father chose her because he knew she was strong enough to let Jesus fulfill His mission on earth. I can only imagine what my reaction would be to seeing my child go through the trials that Christ experienced. If I didn't physically harm those hurting my child, I think I would pass out just knowing what he was going through.
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Check out the lyrics to "Mary Did You Know" - think about those words from her perspective. The song is so powerful and I can picture Mary wondering about the questions asked of her in that song.
Anonymous at 12/22/2007 08:56:00 AM
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In May I gave birth to our 4 child, my first natural childbirth. This has given me a totally different perspective on how Mary must have felt. The pain and difficulty she felt at the birth of the Savior would be a foreshadowing of the Savior's role in our spiritual rebirth through his atonement. There is a scripture that relates in Moses 6:59-60. The pain and difficulty Mary felt was real, not mitigated because it was the Son of God she was delivering.
Anonymous at 12/22/2007 09:47:00 AM
Also I ponder her choice in everything. At some point God must have respected Mary's agency, she would be given a choice if she wanted to be the mother of the Savior.
It is amazing to think about her personality and what she witnessed throughout the Savior's life. What a special witness she is.
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Having been named after her (I was born Christmas Eve), I think a lot about her, especially at this time of year. Here is an excerpt from a book I read by Mark Lowry, the lyricist for the song "Mary Did You Know".
Anonymous at 12/22/2007 01:26:00 PM
"...Can you imagine the bedtime stories Mary must've told Jesus? Storeis of stars, sables, and singing angels. Stories of shepherds and wise men from afar. Stories of prophets and priests and promises.
Can you imagine? She had been chosen to deliver God into the world. To nurse Him. To love Him. To protect Him. And, like every mother, to teach Him. She taught God how to walk. She taught Him how to talk. She changed God's diapers. She was chosen by God to raise the Son of God. And she watched Jesus grow in favor with God and man.
But how much did she know? Did she know about Gethsemane? Did she know about the cross? Did she know there would be a resurrection?
There was no one she could turn to for advice. She couldn't go to her mother and ask, "Mom, what was is like when you had your first virgin-born son?" No one had ever been down that road before. This was a first...and a last."
I love that! Here is one of my favorite scriptures about her:
Luke 1:19
19. But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.
I think she understood a lot about the Savior at the time of His birth. What a wonderful topic! You are so lucky.
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We have to speak on Sunday as well! However, I think your topic is a little more in depth than ours. No great words of wisdom here, just good luck. Let me know how it goes.
Anonymous at 12/22/2007 01:37:00 PM
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Thanks for your comments. I did in fact use the song Mary did you know as my inspiration for the whole thing. I can't listen to that song without tearing up. Today went really well. I have never looked so forward to speaking in sacrament. And Idaho, the parents loved it and LOVED your dad... perhaps they will return???
Kelly at 12/23/2007 03:12:00 PM
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Heard you were AWESOME! My dad said how difficult that must have been for you, but said you definitely hit it right on. And yes, we hope and pray they return.
Anonymous at 12/24/2007 02:10:00 PM
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