17 different women, 36 crazy children, 0 babies in utero
Adventures, Advice and Questions from a group of Mormon women who met in Queens, NY and have now scattered all over the place.
Monday, December 10, 2007
The following post is not suited for:
-Anyone under the age of 25. (You will only make fun of me)
-Individuals with a weak bladder. (The visuals may make you tinkle)
-Those who take life too seriously. (You only live once)
Picture it, I am almost 33 and I am the mother of two children. As a Christmas present to myself, I decided to start... wait for it... a gymnastics class. It is important to note that I have never done gymnastics before, well anything outside of playing at recess, or the year that I was a cheer leader. So this was an out of the blue, hair brained idea that I got. And I LOVE IT!!! I am off to my 3rd class tonight and I can hardly wait! I seriously look forward to Mondays and the hour and a half that I get to bounce around a gym acting like I am 12. It is pure joy!
Just as a bit of encouragement for any of you thinking this could be a fun idea, but may be too afraid to actually do it. I am one of about 8 of us women who are in the class. All of us are over the age of I'd say 28. None of us have gymnastic backgrounds. One week there were a couple girls who had done it 15 years ago, but they were not Nadia! We all just thought that it would be fun to see what our bodies are capable of and was looking for a bit of exercise. Low and behold, I can still do a cartwheel, round off, bridge, handstand on the beam, back hip circle on the bars, and I am working on a front limber (handstand to a bridge). I get to bounce around on the trampoline. I am one of the only ones in class who didn't pee in my pants or run to the bathroom. I feel good about that. And as for the workout, I am so sore on Tuesday, Wednesday and part of Thursday so I am certain I got a good workout. And in areas I don't normally work out! I was really concerned about my weak wrists, but a little pink athletic tape will do the trick!
I honestly can say this was one of the best decisions I have made in a long time. I am having a blast. I really hope that I can encourage you all to go and do something you would not ordinarily do. And for those who beat me to it, I would love to hear about the activities you are doing that perhaps society says you shouldn't be doing...
By the way my goal from class is to do an arial or back handspring. I really think I can do it!
-Anyone under the age of 25. (You will only make fun of me)
-Individuals with a weak bladder. (The visuals may make you tinkle)
-Those who take life too seriously. (You only live once)
Picture it, I am almost 33 and I am the mother of two children. As a Christmas present to myself, I decided to start... wait for it... a gymnastics class. It is important to note that I have never done gymnastics before, well anything outside of playing at recess, or the year that I was a cheer leader. So this was an out of the blue, hair brained idea that I got. And I LOVE IT!!! I am off to my 3rd class tonight and I can hardly wait! I seriously look forward to Mondays and the hour and a half that I get to bounce around a gym acting like I am 12. It is pure joy!
Just as a bit of encouragement for any of you thinking this could be a fun idea, but may be too afraid to actually do it. I am one of about 8 of us women who are in the class. All of us are over the age of I'd say 28. None of us have gymnastic backgrounds. One week there were a couple girls who had done it 15 years ago, but they were not Nadia! We all just thought that it would be fun to see what our bodies are capable of and was looking for a bit of exercise. Low and behold, I can still do a cartwheel, round off, bridge, handstand on the beam, back hip circle on the bars, and I am working on a front limber (handstand to a bridge). I get to bounce around on the trampoline. I am one of the only ones in class who didn't pee in my pants or run to the bathroom. I feel good about that. And as for the workout, I am so sore on Tuesday, Wednesday and part of Thursday so I am certain I got a good workout. And in areas I don't normally work out! I was really concerned about my weak wrists, but a little pink athletic tape will do the trick!
I honestly can say this was one of the best decisions I have made in a long time. I am having a blast. I really hope that I can encourage you all to go and do something you would not ordinarily do. And for those who beat me to it, I would love to hear about the activities you are doing that perhaps society says you shouldn't be doing...
By the way my goal from class is to do an arial or back handspring. I really think I can do it!

You crack me up sis! I can just see you now... how fun for you! Now's the time to do it while you're not pregnant and you don't have a weak bladder. Forget about the trampoline for me without a good pair of depends. Glad you get to "play" for yourself! You deserve it!
Strive to Thrive at 12/10/2007 11:02:00 AM
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I LOVE THIS POST! Not only can I picture you doing this, but this kinda stuff is crazy empowering I think. All women (and especially moms) need a little time to themselves. Plus what you are doing is totally stretching you (in more ways than one) to the max. Pushing boundaries, ya know. This is why I love my pilates class because it's an hour to myself, focusing on my body and it can feel a little like meditating. I've always been intrigued by the belly dancing, too. I know Carrie was into that. There is NO WAY I could do a back handspring though. You're awesome!
Beth at 12/10/2007 11:35:00 AM
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Go you!! That is so great! I was into gymnastics in a mediocre way through early high school, but never really very good! It was always so fun though! I think that sounds really fun.
Rachel H at 12/10/2007 02:50:00 PM
If I could take any class right now it would be ballroom, and that would be awesome. Also, since I grew up with ballet, I'd probably be "stretched" by taking a modern dance class. Or something totally not my forte, like softball or basketball- but I'd surely be a laughing stock!
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I'm so proud of you! Whenever I used to take Max to his tumbling class, I'd always look at the uneven bars (my favorite part of gymnastics way back in the day when I was 8 or so) and want to jump up on them. Maybe I'll go back and do it!
marian at 12/10/2007 03:24:00 PM
And I love the lead-in to this post by the way, excellent warnings!
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You totally have the figure for this...awesome. Nice to hear you on the blog too...it's been a while. My bladder unfortunately doesn't qualify.
Kage at 12/10/2007 04:02:00 PM
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I think it is SO AWESOME that you are taking a gymnastics class!!!
Jen at 12/10/2007 04:06:00 PM
I am looking into surfing camps in So Cal. Leave the kids with the abuelos for a few days and learning to surf....something I've always wanted to learn to do. Ten years ago it wouldn't have been much of a stretch since I can swim pretty well and snowboard. These days, I'm scared to death but I'm going to try it....if not this summer definitely next! Thanks for the inspiration!
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You are SO my hero - love this! So proud of you!
Sara at 12/10/2007 04:29:00 PM
And my bladder isn't up for a sneeze let alone gymnastics...
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Belly Dancing at 42 with my DD 16, Priceless. I think that is so adventurous of you to be doing something so out of the norm.
delilas at 12/10/2007 06:47:00 PM
You Go Girl!
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Love it!!! There has always been a little part of me that wishes I was a gymnast. I think it started when I witnessed Mary Lou Retton stick her landing on the vault in the Olympics way back when. It was so exciting.
This is Carrie at 12/11/2007 11:01:00 AM
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Hooray Z! I had no idea you were doing this. Sounds like a blast.
Melissa at 12/11/2007 02:36:00 PM
I am a HUGE fan of gymnastics, it really is the best sport;)
Go Mary Lou!
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This is wonderful.
Anonymous at 12/11/2007 03:53:00 PM
I think it is so important that we step out of our comfort zone and try new things. I took swimming lessons for the first time at age 42.
P.S. About the bladder issues...physical therapy can be very effective.
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