17 different women, 36 crazy children, 0 babies in utero
Adventures, Advice and Questions from a group of Mormon women who met in Queens, NY and have now scattered all over the place.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Why I Am INSANE: Part 1, my son
There are countless stories of my son Max and his antics. To give just one example, there's the classic "my son came through my ceiling" episode that has reached urban legend status at this point. He's gotten older and the challenges have changed, but he's still a handful. How can you tell?
THIS is my son's school photo. If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then I think I can just leave it at that! The grin, the shiner (from hitting his head on a rock while hiking), the not looking at the camera... never has one picture summed it all up so perfectly.
Do you have any "snapshots" (mental or actual) that perfectly encapsulate your child(ren)?
Oh, tune in for the next two installments of "Why I Am INSANE" - it only gets better!

Do you have any "snapshots" (mental or actual) that perfectly encapsulate your child(ren)?
Oh, tune in for the next two installments of "Why I Am INSANE" - it only gets better!
Mine and I wish I had a picture, was my son at three years old stuck by his leg CAST in a chain link fence hanging upside down. Nope that cast wasn't going to hold him back (we had to have it replaced after three days because he DESTROYED it). He's also gotten staples each year: 1, 2, and 3. Each time in his head, within one inch of each other. I love the picture.
Angela S at 12/11/2007 09:15:00 PM
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This is BY FAR the best school picture in history. Somehow I have a feeling that Max will have multiple pictures like this over the course of his school career!
Sara at 12/11/2007 09:57:00 PM
Love it.
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For some reason, on all those Barbara Walters Interview Specials, the famous person she is interviewing, often looks over to his/her "people" who are also apparently in the room. Do you know what I am talking about? I find it distracting.
Kage at 12/12/2007 04:38:00 AM
ANYWAY, in this pic, it's like Max has just said something Barbara Walters about his eye, and then he is celebrating his answer with his people over their on his left. I love his expression, love the black eye, even love the little boy haircut!
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Is Max's father (who Max resembles a bit in this picture) part 2 of why you are insane?
Normal Mom at 12/12/2007 07:50:00 AM
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How did you know, normal mom? And that post also comes with a photo... stayed tuned!
marian at 12/12/2007 07:55:00 AM
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I agree with chloe that this is THE BEST school picture ever! You'll be pulling this one out years from now to show his girlfriends. SO FUNNY!
Beth at 12/12/2007 01:20:00 PM
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Oh my gosh, yes, seriously, best school picture EVER. That is classic. How much do you LOVe that picture? What a character. Eeeek, so cute.
TheOneTrueSue at 12/12/2007 06:16:00 PM
This is the photo that best captures my daughter, at least at this stage of her life.
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Sue, what a great picture! And I love the title of your blog btw, or most especially the subtitle. Blogging sure is a strange business, isn't it??
marian at 12/12/2007 08:09:00 PM
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I LOVE this picture so much. Such a classic.
This is Carrie at 12/13/2007 08:05:00 AM
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My mom has school pictures of all her kids with gashes, stitches, bruises, etc.
Mo at 12/14/2007 04:52:00 PM
She says she finally realized that waiting for a mark free kid was like waiting for pigs to fly!
(I was the stitches queen in our house)
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