17 different women, 36 crazy children, 0 babies in utero
Adventures, Advice and Questions from a group of Mormon women who met in Queens, NY and have now scattered all over the place.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Why I Am INSANE: Part 2, my husband
I'm not even sure where to start when it comes to describing my husband. When people ask me what he does for a living, I kind of laugh and then sigh, and then attempt to explain. My husband is an idea generating machine, with the added bonus that he ACTS on his ideas. He's started 4 companies - just in the last year. And I'm talking full-on, registered with the secretary of state, have a tax-ID, companies. When he decided to raise money to renovate our local recreation fields, he got in touch with the president of Converse to ask for support. When he was looking into opening a digital movie theater, he called up the VP of distribution for New Line Cinemas to ask him some questions. Seriously, if he thinks it's a good idea, he'll go with it. This is one of the things that I love most about him - he doesn't just sit around and dream, he dreams and then DOES. It's a very admirable quality, but it can get a little crazy sometimes...
So, this is the latest "idea":
It's a 1948 fire truck.
And it's parked in my driveway.
My husband bought it on ebay earlier this week.
It's fully functional. There's some reason as to why he has it, but I don't really know what it is, so I can't even begin to explain it. He said to me earlier this week, "I bought Max a fire truck", and I thought "Great! We are totally behind on the Christmas shopping! This is excellent!" And then, he showed me the ebay listing. And I thought he was kidding. Okay, so he WAS kidding about the buying it for Max part, but at midnight last night, two nice gentlemen delivered this huge truck to my house. Sigh. At least Max and his cousins will have something to ride on in all the parades...
So, this is the latest "idea":

And it's parked in my driveway.
My husband bought it on ebay earlier this week.

Wow....well, at least your life will never be boring between Max and DH!
Jen at 12/12/2007 08:36:00 PM
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I lived with this man for 18 years and this, this truly SHOCKED me...for about 2 minutes and then I just thought, "yeah, well, that's my brother".
Normal Mom at 12/12/2007 08:38:00 PM
YOU amaze me even more now. Thank goodness your son and husband have you.
I just shared this with my husband and now he's on ebay looking at vehicles...Maybe we'll have a matching set of fire trucks. May the force be with you.
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wow - I would be insane too.....
Em at 12/12/2007 08:49:00 PM
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Well...it's definately the most random thing ever...but really pretty!
Sara at 12/12/2007 09:09:00 PM
Like normal mom, I intially thought, "WHA? Are you crazy?" but then I remembered your husband and all that I know about him...and it made perfect sense. Of COURSE he bought a 1948 fire truck. AND it'll get used for something cool!
Between Max and your husband, your life really IS insane...:)
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This series of posts is hilarious! Thanks for sharing this slice of your life. I do love it when people dream big.
Beth at 12/12/2007 10:04:00 PM
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I love this series. You are so funny.
Melissa at 12/12/2007 10:26:00 PM
At least Max will have plenty of family business' to choose from. I'm sure dad won't mind if he sports a shiner in the interview.
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I want to ride the fire truck in a parade!
This is Carrie at 12/13/2007 08:06:00 AM
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You're welcome ANYTIME Carrie! Bring the whole gang, we'll throw 'em up on the truck and make our OWN parade.
marian at 12/13/2007 09:07:00 AM
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*jaw hitting the floor*....There are no words. My husband likes to start companies too. But a fire truck? 1948?
The Wiz at 12/13/2007 10:29:00 AM
You must have a fun life at times, but yes, I would be insane too. Sounds like you have a sense of humor, you clearly need it.
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That is so cool that he bought a 1948 fire truck! These posts are so funny, thanks for sharing! :-)
Anonymous at 12/13/2007 10:44:00 AM
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Seriously coming for the parade....
Kage at 12/13/2007 10:46:00 AM
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WOw! That is SO COOL! It looks just like Fireman Small's firetruck, from the Little books by Lois Lenski. They're awesome.
Anonymous at 12/13/2007 03:33:00 PM
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It actually is quite cool, it's a really nice looking fire engine. As Chloe said to me today, if you can't buy a NEW fire engine, then you might as well have a pretty one - words to live by, folks.
marian at 12/13/2007 05:40:00 PM
Writing this up and reading the comments have been great for me, made me realize just how wacky things can be around here, but how much I love that! After 10 years, you kind of lose perspective, but this has been just what I needed.
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