17 different women, 36 crazy children, 0 babies in utero
Adventures, Advice and Questions from a group of Mormon women who met in Queens, NY and have now scattered all over the place.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Herbal Remedies for the Everyday Mom
I do not claim to be an earth mother. But, I did marry into a family of Chiropractors. So I admit to dabbling in the world of holistic medicine. I still think much of that world is filled with empty promises and quackery, but I have found a few things that seem to work like "magic" and are worth sharing. Here are my herbal remedies for the everyday mom:
-Arnica: for bruises and swelling. Fellow contributor, Shaleen, gave me my first jar of this amazing stuff. It significantly reduces bruising and swelling when applied right after an injury happens. I have used it on myself and on my children with great results. I think Shaleen credits Arnica balm for not being turned into Child Protective Services -- Hey, her kids are REALLY active. There are a lot of arnica products out there at all price ranges. I linked to the one Shaleen gave me - it has a Spanish label and is super cheap.
-L Methionine: wart removal. I am not afraid to say that I have had warts. I have tried soaking them off, burning them off, cutting them off. I tried everything. Then I heard (from who I can't remember) about L Methionine. I took the horse pills for a few weeks and poof! I think that is the medical term) No more warts. No kidding. My body just absorbed them right up. And, I know it wasn't just a coincedence. In the years since, I have suggested the remedy to many others and they have all had the same result. It's magic I tell you!
-Cranberry Capsules: bladder Infections. These pills work wonders! When compared to cranberry juice, they don't have the added sugar, you can always have them on hand, and they are far more potent. I take the 500mg capsules, but I believe they even come in 1000mg. I also think you can take them everyday for overall urinary tract health. But, I just like to use them to chase away the sting when I feel it coming on. If I catch it early enough, it never turns into a full blown infection.
Along the same lines, The Wiz over at Mormon Mommy Wars did a post a while back on some of her favorite household cures. They are not necessarily herbal, but her post (as well as the comments) are worth a look see.
I would love to hear if anyone else out there has had personal success with any herbal remedies.
-Arnica: for bruises and swelling. Fellow contributor, Shaleen, gave me my first jar of this amazing stuff. It significantly reduces bruising and swelling when applied right after an injury happens. I have used it on myself and on my children with great results. I think Shaleen credits Arnica balm for not being turned into Child Protective Services -- Hey, her kids are REALLY active. There are a lot of arnica products out there at all price ranges. I linked to the one Shaleen gave me - it has a Spanish label and is super cheap.
-L Methionine: wart removal. I am not afraid to say that I have had warts. I have tried soaking them off, burning them off, cutting them off. I tried everything. Then I heard (from who I can't remember) about L Methionine. I took the horse pills for a few weeks and poof! I think that is the medical term) No more warts. No kidding. My body just absorbed them right up. And, I know it wasn't just a coincedence. In the years since, I have suggested the remedy to many others and they have all had the same result. It's magic I tell you!
-Cranberry Capsules: bladder Infections. These pills work wonders! When compared to cranberry juice, they don't have the added sugar, you can always have them on hand, and they are far more potent. I take the 500mg capsules, but I believe they even come in 1000mg. I also think you can take them everyday for overall urinary tract health. But, I just like to use them to chase away the sting when I feel it coming on. If I catch it early enough, it never turns into a full blown infection.
Along the same lines, The Wiz over at Mormon Mommy Wars did a post a while back on some of her favorite household cures. They are not necessarily herbal, but her post (as well as the comments) are worth a look see.
I would love to hear if anyone else out there has had personal success with any herbal remedies.
Mint tea for a colicy baby. Rasberry leaf tea for upset stomach.
Anonymous at 4/19/2006 07:29:00 AM
This from a man who has a strong foundation in science and shuns the mistrust of doctors that seems to find it's way into many wards.
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LOVE Arnica
Kage at 4/19/2006 03:05:00 PM
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Aged Garlic Extract Kyolic Liquid... for ear infections. It is awesome and it WORKS! Especially when it's the weekend and you can't get into the dr.'s office. (since that's always when kids get sick!) A few drops in the infected ear- a natural antibiotic.
Jules at 4/19/2006 09:25:00 PM
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Maybe everyone already knows this one....my grandma always kept an aloe plant growing and would cut a bit off and rub it on our sunburns & other burns. Instant relief!
Jen at 4/20/2006 05:38:00 AM
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Gripe water for gassy babies. It even gets rid of hiccups.
Julie at 4/20/2006 05:46:00 AM
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I second the aloe plant and the gripe water. I LOVE gripe water.
Cheryl at 4/20/2006 06:58:00 AM
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Oregano oil applied to warts for a few weeks works great, too. Mine just disappeared.
Anonymous at 4/20/2006 07:31:00 AM
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Olive oil for sore nipples during breastfeeding - its already in your kitchen and works great - no need to buy special creams and lotions.
chloe at 4/20/2006 11:22:00 AM
And this isn't really herbal but I swear by Vicks Vapor Rub. When my DD had a cold recently I smeared a little on her chest and it worked wonders. I use it when I have a cold or allergies under my nose and it opens me right up.
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Where can you buy gripewater? Outside of Utah especially... I had a cousin bring me some from England, but I've never seen it here. Thanks!
Jules at 4/20/2006 11:35:00 AM
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This is Carrie at 4/20/2006 12:38:00 PM
I need more info on the Garlic Liquid. My daughters get ear infections all the time and I am willing to try anything short of tubes. I looked for more info on the web and couldn't find anything connecting the stuff to antibiotics
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Kage at 4/20/2006 04:17:00 PM
just saw gripe water at my local pharmacy...check online of course...and a friend once brought me some from canada...just so you know it is basically baking soda and water
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I bought my gripe water (on recommendation by my Pedi.) at a local store called Milkworks that specializes in breastfeeding pumps, equipment, clothing, etc. Check with your local Le Leche league maybe??
wendysue at 4/20/2006 07:41:00 PM
Also, just a note. . .some herbal remedies are totally harmless but some are not and some can react with other meds you may be on. I'm sure you know this but herbal supplements are not regulated (like others by the FDA), so from one to the next, even in the same store, you may not be getting the same concentration, ingredients, etc, even if they're listed. Just be careful. Ask a Dr, or Pharm, about reactions, especially heart/blood pressure meds. Just my 2 cents (ok maybe more like 3!)
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Caroline at 4/20/2006 08:55:00 PM
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Dr. Ralph Bradley of Murray,Utah uses L-methionine as a treatment for warts and reports 70% success rate for the condition. He recommends vitamin A supplementation at 10-25,000 units per day with 500 mg methionine twice daily. Methionine supplementation is also recommended to include B-vitamin supplementation.
Anonymous at 10/07/2008 12:37:00 PM
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People with epilepsy are should be careful of the consumption of herbal medicines because of a potential increased risk of recurrence.
people at 3/21/2013 05:15:00 AM
To control epileptic seizures, these patients should be disciplined to take the drugs.
Epilepsy is a brain tissue damage and it can be caused by birth injury, accidents, brain infection, stroke, and tumor. The drugs are given but not to directly cure epilepsy, but merely to control it.
Researchers from Germany in the Journal of Natural Products reveal that, herbal medicines, especially those containing gingko biloba,
will lead to epileptic seizures. They believe that herbs have "deleterious effects" even though they are natural. Visit
http://www.bestanxietytreatment.info/2013/01/natural-herbs-for-anxiety-use-them-for.html for some discussion on herbs.
Gingko biloba herbal remedy is made from extracts of Gingko biloba leaves, and many consumers used it in European countries to eliminate a variety of complaints, ranging from depression, memory problem, headaches, and dizziness.
For the study, researchers from the University of Bonn, Germany, were focused on chemical compounds in ginkgo biloba called Ginkgotoxin. A variety of evidence indicates that these chemicals trigger chemical signals in the body associated with epileptic seizures.
Although the researchers could not prove clearly that herbal medicines may increase the risk of recurrence, patients are asked to remain cautious in taking gingko biloba. Manufacturer of herbal medicines are also recommended to reduce the levels of toxins from herbal ingredients.
So if you have phobia and often experience panic attacks, please be careful when you also have epilepsy before consuming herbal cures.
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I'm one of his patients, and it got rid of my warts! Now I'm no longer a patient... Thanks doc Bradley!
Anonymous at 4/16/2013 10:35:00 PM
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