17 different women, 36 crazy children, 0 babies in utero
Adventures, Advice and Questions from a group of Mormon women who met in Queens, NY and have now scattered all over the place.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Meeting Moms
When I moved to Wisconsin I found that the ward was really spread out. This made it tough to easily get together with moms I was meeting at church. (I really was hoping for some across-the-street types.) So, I decided to venture into community groups in order to meet some women who lived closer to me. Here's a look at what I found.
A friend of mine in Iowa always raved about her MOPS group. MOPS stands for Mothers Of PreSchoolers. I decided it was time to see what it was all about. MOPS is a Christian-based program where Moms and kids go for their own kinds of fun. Moms get to drop off their kids at a fantastic age-appropriate child care area. My kids both LOVE their classes--and I have been impressed with the professionalism there. They have fun teachers, clean rooms, great toys, activities, bible lessons, and crafts. While they are busy the Moms go to a large class where they get to eat brunch, chat with friends, make a craft (some weeks), and hear a speaker. It is SO great! Each week you sit with the same group (which gets rearranged yearly) so you really get to know a core group. In my area there must be over 100 women in all. After the speaker, each group meets in a separate room for discussion about the day's topic. I have found the ladies to be so genuine and fun and the discussions to be entertaining and enriching. I think MOPS is fantastic--I absolutely recommend to anyone to find a chapter and enjoy your special morning now and then.
MOPS meets monthly or twice a month (for 2 hours) for the duration of the school year. (Though many small-groups get together during the summer and MOPS has a few large park activities in the summer as well.) The cost is $25 for the year. Childcare is $6 per family each time you go. Both prices are a bargain for what you get!
The second group I got into is called MOMS Club International. It is a little different from MOPS in that you have more activities for Moms and kids together. At their monthly membership meetings they have a speaker (somewhat like the MOPS does) and their childcare is free, but is a rotation of the Moms watching the kids in a nursery room-type area. They also have (at my location) space for kids to color or watch a video closer to the Moms. I'm not as wild about their childcare--but it is free. In addition to a monthly membership meeting, MOMS Club offers its members a variety of break-out groups--scrap booking, cooking, exercise, etc, and all kinds of playgroups. I think their biggest pull is the playgroups. You instantly have choices of groups to join and you can decide which one has the right ages or meets at the times most convenient to you. MOMS Club also organizes a lot of activities at local establishments--library story time, gymnastics free-play, chuck-e-cheese, these types of things. They are also very active in service opportunities in the community. MOMS Club (as you may have noticed) is really similar to Relief Society! It's just held in the morning so you can go and bring your kids. MOMS Club is $30 a year.
Between these two groups and a weekly church playgroup I really have more going on than I can do! But better to be busy and pick and choose, than to be bored!
Does anyone else belong to a different group outside the church? Or have another way they've met Moms?
A friend of mine in Iowa always raved about her MOPS group. MOPS stands for Mothers Of PreSchoolers. I decided it was time to see what it was all about. MOPS is a Christian-based program where Moms and kids go for their own kinds of fun. Moms get to drop off their kids at a fantastic age-appropriate child care area. My kids both LOVE their classes--and I have been impressed with the professionalism there. They have fun teachers, clean rooms, great toys, activities, bible lessons, and crafts. While they are busy the Moms go to a large class where they get to eat brunch, chat with friends, make a craft (some weeks), and hear a speaker. It is SO great! Each week you sit with the same group (which gets rearranged yearly) so you really get to know a core group. In my area there must be over 100 women in all. After the speaker, each group meets in a separate room for discussion about the day's topic. I have found the ladies to be so genuine and fun and the discussions to be entertaining and enriching. I think MOPS is fantastic--I absolutely recommend to anyone to find a chapter and enjoy your special morning now and then.
MOPS meets monthly or twice a month (for 2 hours) for the duration of the school year. (Though many small-groups get together during the summer and MOPS has a few large park activities in the summer as well.) The cost is $25 for the year. Childcare is $6 per family each time you go. Both prices are a bargain for what you get!
The second group I got into is called MOMS Club International. It is a little different from MOPS in that you have more activities for Moms and kids together. At their monthly membership meetings they have a speaker (somewhat like the MOPS does) and their childcare is free, but is a rotation of the Moms watching the kids in a nursery room-type area. They also have (at my location) space for kids to color or watch a video closer to the Moms. I'm not as wild about their childcare--but it is free. In addition to a monthly membership meeting, MOMS Club offers its members a variety of break-out groups--scrap booking, cooking, exercise, etc, and all kinds of playgroups. I think their biggest pull is the playgroups. You instantly have choices of groups to join and you can decide which one has the right ages or meets at the times most convenient to you. MOMS Club also organizes a lot of activities at local establishments--library story time, gymnastics free-play, chuck-e-cheese, these types of things. They are also very active in service opportunities in the community. MOMS Club (as you may have noticed) is really similar to Relief Society! It's just held in the morning so you can go and bring your kids. MOMS Club is $30 a year.
Between these two groups and a weekly church playgroup I really have more going on than I can do! But better to be busy and pick and choose, than to be bored!
Does anyone else belong to a different group outside the church? Or have another way they've met Moms?
I'm also part of MOMS Club and I love it! It really saved my sanity to meet other moms. I love having friends who are not in the church, but who are committed to their husbands and their children. Our chapter has a babysitting co-op for swapping babysitting hours. That was a boon.
Erin at 4/01/2008 12:56:00 PM
Another place I've met great moms has been through the cooperative nursery school my son attends. We volunteer one day per week (it's volunteer, but mandatory). After school, many of the moms and kids stay to play at the playground, so we get extra time to chat.
Every mom needs mom friends!
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I'd love to hear how other women have been able to connect with women in their community outside of moms' groups, especially working women whose schedules are limited to evenings and weekends to take part in activities. This is something I'm finding challenging now, especially finding women in my peer group (late 20's, early 30's).
Anonymous at 4/01/2008 01:25:00 PM
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A friend of mine joined the breast feeding group at the hospital when her son was born, which I thought was a really smart idea.
jlk at 4/01/2008 02:03:00 PM
I have also found that if I join groups that I am interested in that have nothing to do with kids (ie community theater, quilt guild, book group, etc), I find other moms who not only share a bond because of kids, but also a common hobby or interest.
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Thanks for this info. Katie. I've never heard of these before. Always good to know about more ways to meet other moms and friends.
Beth at 4/01/2008 02:11:00 PM
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When we lived in a small border town in Texas there were slim pickins' for friends in the ward, so I joined the mom's club as well, and there I made a wonderful friend who I keep in contact with years after we've moved away.
Rachel H at 4/02/2008 05:32:00 AM
Since the DH was in the military, I also was active in the Officer's Wive's Club. It had monthly activities in the evening and several bigger events throughout the year that we got to dress up for- which was fun too.
Since we've been back to my home state I have been so close to my sisters that I haven't felt the need to branch out- but I have thought that it would be fun to try a mom's club again becuase you just never know when a great new friend might be around the corner!
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I enjoyed the women I met at the local book club at the library. I just started reading their books and showing up. It was great to have a wide age-range. Of course, men were invited, but none attended.
Anonymous at 4/02/2008 09:39:00 AM
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I've heard of MOMS Club before, but never looked very far into it. Luckily, our new neighborhood is full of fun and interesting moms to hang out with. It really is a dream come true. And it's so nice not having to plan "playdates".
This is Carrie at 4/02/2008 09:53:00 AM
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Oh, that's the best, when the friends are the neighbors...I miss that! And just playing whenever--no driving/planning etc. We do have a wonderful neighbor in the apartment below us--and they have young kids. We love getting together spontaneously.
Katie at 4/02/2008 10:51:00 AM
Those other non-"mom" type clubs (book, etc.) are really good ideas too. I totally want to do a choir or any kind of singing group...gotta start looking!
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