17 different women, 36 crazy children, 0 babies in utero
Adventures, Advice and Questions from a group of Mormon women who met in Queens, NY and have now scattered all over the place.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
First Post Back
Can you believe I haven't blogged for THIS long?
I have been incapable of much creative thought for the past month because my brain has been oozing blood. I'm pretty sure it's healing up just fine, but I will enjoy the ignorance of my hopes until I know for sure in a few weeks.
No pity please, just explaining my absence. I am doing good, but still working on retrieving that blogging part of myself, and I have mustered up enough to come up with a very exciting first post back.
Drumroll and a kick-line please....
Pukey is now a blossoming 6-year-old. She is delightful in every way most of the time. She is an ideal first born for many reasons and I am quite in love with her.
She puts her finger in and whatever she gets goes straight into her mouth.
She then pauses for a good swallow.
I think she likes it.
I have tried to explain why it's innapropriate and even resorted to trying to shame her for doing it, but I cannot get through to her. It's just something she does. ALL THE TIME.
So...advice please.
I have been incapable of much creative thought for the past month because my brain has been oozing blood. I'm pretty sure it's healing up just fine, but I will enjoy the ignorance of my hopes until I know for sure in a few weeks.
No pity please, just explaining my absence. I am doing good, but still working on retrieving that blogging part of myself, and I have mustered up enough to come up with a very exciting first post back.
Drumroll and a kick-line please....
Pukey is now a blossoming 6-year-old. She is delightful in every way most of the time. She is an ideal first born for many reasons and I am quite in love with her.
She puts her finger in and whatever she gets goes straight into her mouth.
She then pauses for a good swallow.
I think she likes it.
I have tried to explain why it's innapropriate and even resorted to trying to shame her for doing it, but I cannot get through to her. It's just something she does. ALL THE TIME.
So...advice please.
Welcome back! Glad you are healing.
Erin at 4/02/2008 10:08:00 PM
We have this problem at my house, too. I suspect it's just something they have to grow out of. Still, maybe someone has a magic fix???
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Princess picks the boogers, but doesn't eat them. Instead they are deposited into her booger garden which is located on the wall next to her bed. Do you know how hard it is to clean dried boogers off the wall? Even the magic eraser has failed. Maybe I should tell her to just eat 'em.
This is Carrie at 4/03/2008 07:46:00 AM
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Oh I am SO GLAD to hear I'm not the only one dealing with this habit. Pickin' and eatin' is common around here - he even does two-hands-both-nostrils when he really gets going. Ick.
marian at 4/03/2008 09:30:00 AM
I'll have to read some of those links, thanks kadusey.
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Whenever the little boy I watched put his fingers in his nose, I'd say "Your nose is not where your finger goes!" He just lauged but later I heard him saying it to his little sister. Doing that may not make your daughter stop but it may help with the process. :)
Anonymous at 4/03/2008 10:23:00 AM
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the Rew Crew at 4/03/2008 11:28:00 AM
My DD picks them and then offers them to me. If I refuse them she wipes them on me. She has this thing with cleanliness...
Can you say OCD?
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My daughter calls them supper and says they taste good. I just try to explain that there are germs in her nose and mouth and if she insists on doing it then she has to do it only at home.
Ashley at 4/03/2008 11:47:00 AM
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I have no advice, but I am gagging a bit. Maybe it's the pregnancy. Good luck! I'm interested to see what people have to say. So far you have a lot of commiserating moms.
Beth at 4/03/2008 02:06:00 PM
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Oh yes! Mom to a pickin' not eatin' daughter. Not sure how to stop. Have to say that my brother tried to gross his daughter out by telling her that boogers were dirt and bugs and so technically she was eating dirt and bugs and stuff but it didn't stop her at all. I do think they just eventually grow out of the phase and the more were react, the more they tend to do it. You know, attention and stuff...
Elise at 4/03/2008 02:53:00 PM
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Gag. I can't stop gagging thinking about beautiful little girls eating boogers! Is this habit something that is inevitable or are the parents of the non pickem and eatemers just not commenting?
Melissa at 4/03/2008 03:01:00 PM
I would try to nip it in the bud right now (while offering no advice -sorry) but my DH had a mission comp that would do it during prayers (gag again) so I don't think you can count on them growing out of it.
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Well according to
tamrobot at 4/03/2008 03:03:00 PM
this article, eating boogers is good for you. It supposively helps boost your immune system. I guess kids are just more in tune with their bodies.
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I've never seen my kids eat their boogers, but I'm constantly getting after them to "Get a tissue!" They'll try to wipe them on something random or just flick them away?! At least your daughter is keeping them to herself. But yeah, it's disgusting.
Anonymous at 4/03/2008 03:14:00 PM
Maybe you could get her some special hankies--pretty ones with lace or something to use just for her own special boogers? We have snot rags at my house (old cloth diapers/burp rags) and my kids like to use those, especially when they have colds and their noses are tender. My 6 year old keeps one on her bed--it's the special one, white with purple and pink flowers.
Good luck!
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Katie at 4/03/2008 08:09:00 PM
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Gross! Gross! Gross! All of this! Eww. Unfortunately at our house one child has a booger garden (I still can't get over that term--can you copyright that Carrie?) and another child is an eater. But I haven't caught her eating in a while. I always just offer tissues and remind them about tissues and keep tissue boxes everywhere. good luck!
Katie at 4/03/2008 08:11:00 PM
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I love reading the blog...a friend told me about it. So my son is only 16 months, so I don't have experience with my own children to offer...but, my husband and I watched our neighbor's little girl a LOT, and even when we hung out with them, we were still OK to give directions to her. She was a pickin' AND eatin' kind of kid (she was 4 at the time). I asked her once "have you ever seen JD pick his nose?" (no) "that's because he ONLY does it in the bathroom because we're not supposed to do it around other people." It seemed to work when everything else failed.
Sarah at 4/04/2008 03:42:00 PM
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Ug, I have NO words for that problem - I'll have to wait a few years and then check the archives to read all the advice when my wee one explores her nose. And hullo Kage! I was wondering when you'd return!!
Anonymous at 4/04/2008 06:33:00 PM
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My kid is only 2, so this might not help with a more savy six year old. When I see her starting to put her finger in her nose, I tell her "Only elbows go in your nose." She dutifully tries to get her elbow into her nose and soon loses interest. This little trick has worked the whole winter and so far she is not a picker.
Anonymous at 4/06/2008 08:01:00 AM
For her personality, she does best with choices, not rules.
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