17 different women, 36 crazy children, 0 babies in utero
Adventures, Advice and Questions from a group of Mormon women who met in Queens, NY and have now scattered all over the place.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Hello out there....
Is anyone still reading? I know we have been quiet for a while. I guess sometimes real life trumps blogging (which is probably how it should be for the majority of us in the blogging world) so I don't stress about a quiet week here and there. I just hope everyone else was having a better week than me.
Tachycardia, dehydration, pleurisy and pneumonia sent me to the ER twice in one weekend, but thanks to some awesome neighbors who took the kids at a moment's notice (once at one in the morning), the morphine I got in the ER, an amazing mom who was able to come stay for a week, a loving husband who brought me Pinkberry every night and thoughtful friends who sent me good thoughts and prayers (and the most beautiful bouquet of tulips I have EVER seen), I have made it to the other side of my sickness. While I am not too happy to hear that pneumonia can take months to fully recover from, I am extremely thankful that I can actually breathe without pain and get out of bed to feed and dress my kids at this point. I am also very thankful that through it all, the baby was completely fine. Leave it to the little guy to suck all the good stuff out of me while I struggle to survive on the leftovers.
And somewhere in the midst of all this, I cleverly decided that it was time to start potty-training Pumpkin. Recovering from pneumonia, 32 weeks pregnant with #3--sounds like perfect timing don't you think? I think there should have been another warning on the cough syrup with codeine the Dr gave me.
Tachycardia, dehydration, pleurisy and pneumonia sent me to the ER twice in one weekend, but thanks to some awesome neighbors who took the kids at a moment's notice (once at one in the morning), the morphine I got in the ER, an amazing mom who was able to come stay for a week, a loving husband who brought me Pinkberry every night and thoughtful friends who sent me good thoughts and prayers (and the most beautiful bouquet of tulips I have EVER seen), I have made it to the other side of my sickness. While I am not too happy to hear that pneumonia can take months to fully recover from, I am extremely thankful that I can actually breathe without pain and get out of bed to feed and dress my kids at this point. I am also very thankful that through it all, the baby was completely fine. Leave it to the little guy to suck all the good stuff out of me while I struggle to survive on the leftovers.
And somewhere in the midst of all this, I cleverly decided that it was time to start potty-training Pumpkin. Recovering from pneumonia, 32 weeks pregnant with #3--sounds like perfect timing don't you think? I think there should have been another warning on the cough syrup with codeine the Dr gave me.
Oh, man- what a week! Bless your heart. I remember being pregnant and in the ER a few times- ugh. Pregnancy just makes normal sicknesses about 100 times worse! How frustrating that you got pneumonia in the midst of everything too. I hope you feel better soon! It sounds like you had some great friends and family to support you through it. Thank goodness for visiting teachers, neighbors, and friends- especially during pregnancy. It's good to know that in the end, this sweet baby will be worth it all!
LJ at 2/12/2008 08:43:00 AM
PS: Enjoy the cough syrup! :)
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Holy Crap, Carrie!! Yikes. You may have taken the Worst Pregnancy in the World title from me on this one!
tracy m at 2/12/2008 09:23:00 AM
Yeah, if I had on word of unsolicited advice, I would say hang up the potty training pants and wait...
On a side note, as a survivor of pneumonia (twice- lovely asthmatic lungs) it CAN take months, but it CAN also take a lot less. Take it easy on yourself and lay low. I know... how on earth do you do that with two babies- but take help where you can!
I'm so glad the baby is ok and you are feeling better. I wish I lived close enough to drop by and help.
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tracy m, there is another contender for worst pregnancy. A friend of mine got her blood work back and she is not immune to rubella, which apparently when contracted during pregnancy can give the baby a "host of birth defects". The last outbreak was right here in good old Queens, so she has been banished from going to church here until she is delivered in only 6 short months from now.
Kage at 2/12/2008 10:15:00 AM
Carrie I was panicked about pushing a baby out with a sinus infection with Pukey, I can't imagine the horrors you have been through with this....here's to a speedy recovery.
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Carrie, You win! Husband and all 6 kids sick with the flu bug, but I have remained healthy (there is a God) But my week is starting look up. No new snow this week. I can see bits of my driveway. My computer died, but I think I had everything backed up. I have to make 4 costumes for our school play. My daughters 5th grade science project was turned in today (and only 2 children still in sick). Yes life is looking good.
Unknown at 2/12/2008 11:50:00 AM
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Glad you're better :) You're in my thoughts.
Beth at 2/12/2008 01:54:00 PM
And DH has been bringing me a lot of Pinkberry too. I guess it's a good pregnancy craving to have, sick or not. Hang in there. 32 weeks! You are so close! It's going really fast.
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Oh my gosh, Carrie! I had pleurisy when I was about 32 weeks pregnant too and that was so painful & scary. I wound up in the hospital too, thank goodness for painkillers and antibiotics! :-) I'm so glad to hear the baby is ok. Try to take it easy so you can be fully recovered when the little one makes his appearance in a few weeks!
Anonymous at 2/12/2008 02:11:00 PM
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Aw, Carrie! I'm so sorry! And I feel so stupid for not even knowing.
Cheryl at 2/12/2008 07:06:00 PM
I'm just glad you're okay. Holy cow, I can't even imagine! Potty training is overrated. You can train her when she's 5. :)
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Thanks LJ and MKC for your kind words.
This is Carrie at 2/12/2008 09:28:00 PM
Tracy M - I really don't think I can take that title away from you. I have had it bad for a few weeks (and maybe it will be kind of annoying for a few months) - but you have it bad for many, many months.
Shaleen, you have had quite a week too! Glad things are looking up.
Cheryl, don't feel bad for not knowing. The only way people found out is if they just happened to call at the right time - or you were someone I had to flake out on.
As for the potty training, I am not taking it too seriously. We're hanging out in pull-ups. No panties means no accidents to clean up. I at least have that much sense. And the reality is, at this point, it is easier for my big bellied self to sit her on the potty than bend over to change a diaper. But I am all ready for major regression when baby comes.
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so sorry about your crazy illness! that sucks. glad to hear you're on the road to recovery and baby is still healthy. and it sounds like you have been well taken care of. nothing like a big fat trial to help us appreciate what we have and enjoy those quiet times a little more. take care!
Kizzycakes at 2/13/2008 03:18:00 PM
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I'm with you on bad weeks! Four out of five of my family have the flu, myself included. Wash machine broke yesterday, with pukey blankets in it! We discovered this morning that our puppy ate glass and it is mid winter break! Hoping for a better weekend!
Anonymous at 2/15/2008 05:45:00 AM
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