17 different women, 36 crazy children, 0 babies in utero
Adventures, Advice and Questions from a group of Mormon women who met in Queens, NY and have now scattered all over the place.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Preparing for Easter
Once again, I am late this year in preparing for a Christ-centered Easter. With less than a week to go, I remembered Brandolyn's Easter post from last year. I was bummed to see that I was too late to implement many of her good ideas.
Reading through the post did remind me that I purchased the book "A Christ Centered Easter" last year even though I knew it wouldn't come until after Easter. I figured I would have a head start on this year. But like I said, I forgot about my purchase until today which sort of cancels out the forthought of having the book a year ahead of time. The book lays out activities for every day of Easter week and I've already missed half the week. Bummer.
We might just settle once again for keeping the Easter baskets and egg hunts for "Secular Saturday" and then tell a short rendition of the Easter Story on Sunday morning as we eat some "Empty Tomb Breakfast Rolls". That's probably what an 18 month and a four year old will respond to (and remember) anyway. Luckily I should still have a few more tries to get our Easter Celebration just right. Here's to next year!
Reading through the post did remind me that I purchased the book "A Christ Centered Easter" last year even though I knew it wouldn't come until after Easter. I figured I would have a head start on this year. But like I said, I forgot about my purchase until today which sort of cancels out the forthought of having the book a year ahead of time. The book lays out activities for every day of Easter week and I've already missed half the week. Bummer.
We might just settle once again for keeping the Easter baskets and egg hunts for "Secular Saturday" and then tell a short rendition of the Easter Story on Sunday morning as we eat some "Empty Tomb Breakfast Rolls". That's probably what an 18 month and a four year old will respond to (and remember) anyway. Luckily I should still have a few more tries to get our Easter Celebration just right. Here's to next year!
Yep...here's to next year. Thanks for the reminders!
Melissa at 4/05/2007 03:59:00 PM
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I know....this year it is all about the secular. Last year I did my cute Resurrection Eggs for FHE and we even had the Easter Bunny visit on Sat. morning instead of Sunday...this year Pukey went on an Easter outing LAST Sat., had an egg hunt at school, is going to Poopy's Playgroup Egg Hunt this morning (no school, Good Friday), and her own Primary one tomorrow. She has a sleepover tonight, so we can't do the Bunny Sat. morning, it will have to wait until Sun. morning...it's just OUT OF HAND.
Kage at 4/06/2007 04:48:00 AM
We did have an FHE on The REAL Story of Easter on Monday, and the girls have a few books about Jesus Easter that we have been reading all season...but come on.....
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There's still time.... maybe not for your "ideal" pre-Easter experience, but you could attempt to do some pretty cool FHE's tonight, tomorrow and Sunday?????
Anonymous at 4/06/2007 05:05:00 PM
I know how you feel though. About a month ago I said to DH "let's do a FHE each week for the next four weeks that is very Christ centered, etc., to prep for Easter". Did it happen? Not really besides reading an Ensign article here or there.
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I too remember last year's post about having a more Christ centered Easter. I bought a book and then promptly forgot I had the book until a couple weeks before Easter.
Normal Mom at 4/08/2007 07:15:00 PM
Gathering my courage, I planned out a scripture to read and an activity for each day of the week leading to Easter. My kids are 8,6, and 2, so I wanted to keep it simple. I will say that I think this was a good experiment, but here were the best things that came out of it all.
1. We are definitely having the Easter Bunny come before Sunday. We did it Friday morning because my kids were out of school. My kids loved this.
2. We made the Empty Tomb rolls and the kids loved this as well. It was fun to bake together and to have something special for breakfast on Easter morning.
3. I made a CD of Easter themed songs by downloading songs from lds.org. I played it off and on all day and it helped set the mood.
4. For Family Home Evening we used pictures from the Gospel Art Kit and told the story of the Easter events from the Triumphal Entry to the Resurection. We hung them on the wall to enjoy all week.
5. We made a "Love One Another" poster. We could write notes to each other. Even my 2 year old got involved by coloring all over the bottom of the poster. It hung on the wall as well.
I wouldn't say that this week has been the most spiritually uplifting of our family life- we seemed to have more than our usual share of fights and frustrations- all of which made me battle on to have the week end on a good note. And it did- our family views Easter in a new light now. We have a stronger reverence for what the holiday celebrates. It's totally worth it to give it a try.
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We did our Easter baskets on Sunday, but at least my little squirt got a Book of Mormon in his. It's his first one. I found about 90 Book of Mormon paintings on the internet and Ensign (by Arnold Friberg, Minerva Teichert, etc), printed them up, and pasted them into the correct pages in a hard-cover, cheap missionary BOM. I had to rip out the index so the book would close (is that sac religious?). I'm hoping my two-year-old will become familiar with--and interested in--the BOM stories because of the pictures. The Church makes an illustrated comic-book-style BOM, but I wanted one with good artwork. I also like the idea of having him look in the actual scriptures instead of just a summarized version. Before, his "scriptures" was a missionary pamphlet, which he always had to have open while I read to him from my own scriptures. I think he'll be excited about having his own scriptures now, with pictures of what we're actually reading.
Anonymous at 4/09/2007 10:33:00 AM
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