17 different women, 36 crazy children, 0 babies in utero
Adventures, Advice and Questions from a group of Mormon women who met in Queens, NY and have now scattered all over the place.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
They really DO love their dads...
I am mom to a 3 year old boy and an 18 month old girl. I always heard that girls clung to their daddies and boys stuck with their mommies. While DS loves wrestling, tickles and soccer with dad I must admit that when the chips are down I'm the one he's looking for. We are tight, me and my son. Don't get me wrong, he drives me crazy sometimes (see my post re: potty training and you'll know what I mean) but we love each other and I love that he LOVES me so much.
Little girl has always been partial to me...until last week. I don't know what changed. Maybe DH started slipping her chocolate without me knowing but she has FALLEN IN LOVE with her father. I am not kidding you, she talks about him ALL day. Remember, she's only 18 months old so her vocab is pretty limited, but she sure can say "daddy, dada, DA-DA!" all day every day. She LOVES her daddy.
And I'm OK with that. It's magical to see how infatuated she has become with another person, to see her eyes sparkle. She gets so excited when Dad comes through the door that I'm always certain her little soul will explode out of her body.
It's true. Little girls really do love their dads.
Little girl has always been partial to me...until last week. I don't know what changed. Maybe DH started slipping her chocolate without me knowing but she has FALLEN IN LOVE with her father. I am not kidding you, she talks about him ALL day. Remember, she's only 18 months old so her vocab is pretty limited, but she sure can say "daddy, dada, DA-DA!" all day every day. She LOVES her daddy.
And I'm OK with that. It's magical to see how infatuated she has become with another person, to see her eyes sparkle. She gets so excited when Dad comes through the door that I'm always certain her little soul will explode out of her body.
It's true. Little girls really do love their dads.
Same thing happens at our house. DD loves to call Daddy on the phone all day. And she just lights up when he comes home. Thanks for reminding me of the Daddy-Daughter bond. I am glad that DD has a relationship with her dad even at 17 months.
Elise at 3/21/2006 10:44:00 PM
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Having missed out on that early bond with a father figure, I am constantly amazed at the relationship that both my girls have with their Dad. When he walks through that door they are both screaming with joy and so happy to see him. Baby girl crawls over as fast as she can and reaches up as high as she can while on her knees. She will ONLY fall asleep on his shoulder, and he definitely gets more cuddles than me from the baby. I did such a good job picking an awesome Dad for my girlies.
Kage at 3/22/2006 04:14:00 AM
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No question that goes in our household. DH and I have been apart for about 2 and a half months, and he came to visit us this weekend. He was so sure that DD wouldn't remember him. HA! She ran to him as he came down the escalator yelling DADDY! I cried, he cried, everyone in the airport stopped and cooed. It was so cute. Yesterday, I was reading US weekly and she said "Daddy"... it was Nick Lachey. She hugged and kissed the picture. HE HE. Not quite, but whatever makes her happy. As for my boy, the one I swore my whole life I never wanted. He is the love of my life, much to DH dismay.
Kelly at 3/22/2006 12:18:00 PM
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Here! Here! Our girls prefer daddy and our son prefers me. Go figure. :) Glad it's normal!
Cheryl at 3/22/2006 01:41:00 PM
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My daughter is 15 months old and she totally has her daddy wrapped around her litte finger. She will tolerate me only if her daddy is not in a 5 mile radius and as soon as he is home, I am invisible...she only has eyes for her daddy. Good thing I have the 4-year-old boy who thinks I am a totally awesome mommy because I can sing all the words to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoons (the old one from the '80s and '90s). TURTLE POWER!
FluffyChicky at 3/22/2006 01:52:00 PM
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Please, please, please write more posts on how little boys love their mommies. I am pregnant with a boy and I'm not too happy with this news. I know, I know, be happy that I have a healthy baby. I am, but I really wanted a girl and am nearly distraught over it.
Anonymous at 3/22/2006 02:01:00 PM
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Anonymous, TRUST ME, your little boy will love you like no one else. My son is all boy - loves mud, bugs, cars, soccer, running as fast as he can while screeching...and yet he's the sweetest little thing I've ever encountered. I once described him as my heart, walking around outside my body. He is a tender, sweet soul and loves his mommy more than anything else. I'm glad to see that he has a sensitive, sweet side and hope that he will someday turn that towards the woman he loves. For now, I'm content to be the recipient of all hugs and kisses.
chloe at 3/22/2006 02:14:00 PM
Don't fret - he'll love you with his whole heart.
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We don't really have that going in our house. Our kids are usually slightly more attached to me because I'm the at home parent, but also go through phases of being all about Daddy, or all about Mommy.
Anonymous at 3/22/2006 05:09:00 PM
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Chloe and CC:
Anonymous at 3/23/2006 12:54:00 PM
Thank you so much for your words of encouragment. I am trying to be positive, but it's hard. Maybe someone can write a post on how they adjusted to having the opposite gender of what they wanted. I'm fearful for the future and that I won't be connected to this little boy because of the feelings I'm having right now.
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Anonymous - I just had my first baby (a little boy) 4 weeks ago. I am a girlie girl, grew up with girls, and wanted a girl. I was definitely a bit afraid of not feeling a bond with my little guy. NOT SO! Like Zinone said, he is the love of my life! I am wrapped around his little finger (hopefully he won't catch on to this!) He is the sweetest little man I've ever laid eyes on, and I know you will have the same experience after your little one comes into the world. It has definitely taken me by surprise how much I love him... in ways I could only try to imagine while pregnant. It is the most wonderful feeling on the planet when they are crying and you pick them up and cuddle them in your arms they calm down... they just need their mom. It will break your heart. Good Luck!
Beth at 3/23/2006 01:22:00 PM
Chloe - I love what you wrote about DS being your "heart walking around outside your body" - so awesome!
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I just found your site and love it!
Trivial Mom at 3/27/2006 02:08:00 PM
My little girl too is in love with her daddy. She started more around fifteen months, but man, when he leaves everyday it is a catastrophe and when he gets home everynight she almost crys she is so excited! She is 18 months now. She still likes me every now and then, like when she has a nightmare or needs a bandaid. But wow that girl loves her dad! I she wakes up from every nap asking if daddy (pronounced daa-die) is home; she doesn't ask me she asks every room in the house. Sometimes we even have to call him during the day because she misses her daddy.
Daddy and I have talked about it and we have decided its because he is all fun. I mean she sees him for maybe 3 or 4 hours a day, between when he gets home from work and bed time. And for those four hours the wrestle and laugh and play, and then mommy puts her to bed. So whether or not there is a daddy-daughter-innate-bond or not, I am completely okay being the all-the-time-home-you-get-boring-same-old-same-old parent.
Again I really love you site and will definetly be back!
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