17 different women, 36 crazy children, 0 babies in utero
Adventures, Advice and Questions from a group of Mormon women who met in Queens, NY and have now scattered all over the place.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
I just wanted to share this skit for anyone out there who might have to work on a Visiting Teaching Conference/Lesson someday. I put it together a few years back as an "attention getter" for the beggining of our Branch Visiting Teaching Conference (which was held during on a Sunday during R.S. in the chapel perhaps making the frivolity of this skit a little inappropriate?). Anyway, it was a fun way to introduce basic VT principles to a branch with many new converts and also remind the "old timers" of the VT traps to which we often fall prey (in an oversimplified and humorous way).
To make the skit a huge success, I highly recommend casting the ward/branch "ham" in the part of SuperVIsitingTeachingWoman and making sure she has a simple costume to help her get into character (see picture--there was also a mask involved). Once you have that taken care of, the rest will really just fall into place. You can easily rewrite the script to address problems and convey a messafe that is specific to your own ward/branch.
P.S. I can't remember if/or what I was inspired by to write this, but rarely are my ideas completely original. Apologies for not crediting anyone.

February 2, 2003
Narrator: 2003….Queens, NY. The Astoria Ward Relief Society has a vision of making sure no sister is left behind. But, we cannot do it without the help of one crusader of charity and love: SuperVisitingTeachingWoman.
Make appointments for early in the month
Narrator: Our story begins at the Woodside chapel one Sunday after church. It’s not just any Sunday, it’s the last Sunday of the month. Duh, Duh, Duh, Duh (looming music).
VT 1: Hey, so we want to catch you this month and there are only a few days left---do you have any free time this week?
Teachee: Well…..
(enter SVT)
SVT: Wait! Stop! Don't you see what you're doing?
VT1: Wow!! It’s SuperVisitingTeachingWoman!
VT2: We’re making a Visiting Teaching appointment. That’s good right?
SVT: Well yes, making appointments is great, but it is the last week of the month!!
VT1: But, the last week in the month is still in the month… Isn’t it?
SVT: Of course it is, but by waiting until the last week of the month to set-up an appointment, you run the risk of not being able to find a SUPER time to visit before the month is over. And more importantly, it might make your sisters feel like you you’re just getting around to them as the last thing on your “to do” list for the month.
All three sisters: Thanks, SuperVisitingTeachingWoman!
Be Prepared
Narrator: Somewhere in Astoria early the next month.
(VTers knock on door and are invited in and sit down. They commence with some small talk until VT1 introduces the lesson.)
VT1: So have you had a chance to read this month’s message?
Teachee: No I haven’t had time.
VT1: (with a little laugh) Neither have I! But I did print it out right before I came. (VT1 pulls out a crumpled paper out of her purse) Let’s see here…it’s about being prepared…..
(enter SVT) (all three sister look surprised)
SVT: How appropriate!!!
VT1: What do you mean SuperVisitingTeachingWoman?
SVT: You need to be prepared before coming to your visiting teaching appointments! That means that both companions should spend time studying the lesson before hand. And next time, try to have a prayer with your companion before the visit. I guarantee that having the spirit on your side will result in a SUPER visit.
All three sisters: Thanks, SuperVisitingTeachingWoman!
Be sensitive to time and conversation
Narrator: Somewhere in Long Island City the visiting teachers make another visit…..
Teachee: Thanks so much for the beautiful lesson. I really needed the spitiual lift.
VT1: Speaking of lift. Did you know (continues to go on and on about nothing)
Narrator: 2 hours later….
VT1: (continues on about her family, her mom, her job).
(enter SVT)
SVT: Gadzooks! Stop! Do you realize how long you have been here? Visiting teaching is definitely a SUPER place to build friendships, but make sure you are not hogging the conversation or overstaying your welcome.
All three sisters: Thanks, SuperVisitingTeachingWoman!
Be sensitive to sisters needs
Narrator: Later that day another Visiting Teaching companionship discusses the sisters they visit.
VT1: Visiting teaching Sister Grumble is so hard. All she does is talk about her aches and pains and how horrible her life is. I can’t even get a word in, let alone the visiting teaching lesson. That’s why I don’t like to visit her.
VT2: I know! And can you believe how unruly Sister Brood’s children are. I don’t have any kids yet, but I know that mine will never act like that! And her house! It is always such a mess! I feel like when we are there, we just add more chaos to her life.
(enter SVT)
VT1: Hey it’s SuperVisitingTeachingWoman!
SVT: That’s right! And I am here to keep you from making a horrible mistake! Compassionate visiting teachers are exactly what these two sisters need! And don’t get discouraged if you don’t end up sharing the prepared lesson at every visit. SuperVisitingTeachers are sensitive of each sisters needs. It sounds to me like Sister Grumble could use a listening ear and Sister Brood might like some volunteer babysitting.
Both sisters: Thanks SuperVisitingTeachingWoman!
Show love
Narrator: Somewhere in Woodside, a visiting teacher tries to set-up visiting teaching appointments.
VT: Well Sister Hectic, we’d love to come visit you this week. (pause) Well how about the week after that? (pause) and the week after that? (pause) A business trip? I see. Well okay, maybe we’ll catch you next month.
(hangs up phone and calls another number)
VT: Hi Sister Dormant, this is sister _______ (pause). I am your visiting teacher.
(pause) Your visiting teacher….from the church. (pause) Oh, you haven’t been to church in a while? (pause) Well can I come over with Sister _______and visit? (pause) No? Oh, okay. Well, talk to you later I guess. Bye.
(hangs up the phone with a look of discouragement).
(enter SVT)
SVT: Never fear! SuperVisiting TeachingWoman is here!
VT: SuperVisitingTeachingWoman , how am I supposed to be a SUPER visiting teacher
if the sisters won’t let me visit?
SVT: I know it’s easy to get discouraged sometimes, but don’t give up, get creative! If
a visit isn’t possible, try to think of another way of expressing your love and concern. With her busy schedule, an e-mail message might be a good way to stay in touch with Sister Hectic. And Sister Dormant might appreciate a nice card, or baked goods! Homemade brownies with delicious buttercream frosting and walnuts (SVTW gets caught up in the vision of this) always says "I’m here if you need anything.”
At the end of the month if you can answer “yes” to this question: “Do my sisters know that I love them” ….then you are a SuperVisitingTeacher!
VT: Thanks SuperVisitingTeachingWoman!
SVT: (looking at Audience) No, Thank you!
To make the skit a huge success, I highly recommend casting the ward/branch "ham" in the part of SuperVIsitingTeachingWoman and making sure she has a simple costume to help her get into character (see picture--there was also a mask involved). Once you have that taken care of, the rest will really just fall into place. You can easily rewrite the script to address problems and convey a messafe that is specific to your own ward/branch.
P.S. I can't remember if/or what I was inspired by to write this, but rarely are my ideas completely original. Apologies for not crediting anyone.

February 2, 2003
Narrator: 2003….Queens, NY. The Astoria Ward Relief Society has a vision of making sure no sister is left behind. But, we cannot do it without the help of one crusader of charity and love: SuperVisitingTeachingWoman.
Narrator: Our story begins at the Woodside chapel one Sunday after church. It’s not just any Sunday, it’s the last Sunday of the month. Duh, Duh, Duh, Duh (looming music).
VT 1: Hey, so we want to catch you this month and there are only a few days left---do you have any free time this week?
Teachee: Well…..
(enter SVT)
SVT: Wait! Stop! Don't you see what you're doing?
VT1: Wow!! It’s SuperVisitingTeachingWoman!
VT2: We’re making a Visiting Teaching appointment. That’s good right?
SVT: Well yes, making appointments is great, but it is the last week of the month!!
VT1: But, the last week in the month is still in the month… Isn’t it?
SVT: Of course it is, but by waiting until the last week of the month to set-up an appointment, you run the risk of not being able to find a SUPER time to visit before the month is over. And more importantly, it might make your sisters feel like you you’re just getting around to them as the last thing on your “to do” list for the month.
All three sisters: Thanks, SuperVisitingTeachingWoman!
Narrator: Somewhere in Astoria early the next month.
(VTers knock on door and are invited in and sit down. They commence with some small talk until VT1 introduces the lesson.)
VT1: So have you had a chance to read this month’s message?
Teachee: No I haven’t had time.
VT1: (with a little laugh) Neither have I! But I did print it out right before I came. (VT1 pulls out a crumpled paper out of her purse) Let’s see here…it’s about being prepared…..
(enter SVT) (all three sister look surprised)
SVT: How appropriate!!!
VT1: What do you mean SuperVisitingTeachingWoman?
SVT: You need to be prepared before coming to your visiting teaching appointments! That means that both companions should spend time studying the lesson before hand. And next time, try to have a prayer with your companion before the visit. I guarantee that having the spirit on your side will result in a SUPER visit.
All three sisters: Thanks, SuperVisitingTeachingWoman!
Narrator: Somewhere in Long Island City the visiting teachers make another visit…..
Teachee: Thanks so much for the beautiful lesson. I really needed the spitiual lift.
VT1: Speaking of lift. Did you know (continues to go on and on about nothing)
Narrator: 2 hours later….
VT1: (continues on about her family, her mom, her job).
(enter SVT)
SVT: Gadzooks! Stop! Do you realize how long you have been here? Visiting teaching is definitely a SUPER place to build friendships, but make sure you are not hogging the conversation or overstaying your welcome.
All three sisters: Thanks, SuperVisitingTeachingWoman!
Narrator: Later that day another Visiting Teaching companionship discusses the sisters they visit.
VT1: Visiting teaching Sister Grumble is so hard. All she does is talk about her aches and pains and how horrible her life is. I can’t even get a word in, let alone the visiting teaching lesson. That’s why I don’t like to visit her.
VT2: I know! And can you believe how unruly Sister Brood’s children are. I don’t have any kids yet, but I know that mine will never act like that! And her house! It is always such a mess! I feel like when we are there, we just add more chaos to her life.
(enter SVT)
VT1: Hey it’s SuperVisitingTeachingWoman!
SVT: That’s right! And I am here to keep you from making a horrible mistake! Compassionate visiting teachers are exactly what these two sisters need! And don’t get discouraged if you don’t end up sharing the prepared lesson at every visit. SuperVisitingTeachers are sensitive of each sisters needs. It sounds to me like Sister Grumble could use a listening ear and Sister Brood might like some volunteer babysitting.
Both sisters: Thanks SuperVisitingTeachingWoman!
Narrator: Somewhere in Woodside, a visiting teacher tries to set-up visiting teaching appointments.
VT: Well Sister Hectic, we’d love to come visit you this week. (pause) Well how about the week after that? (pause) and the week after that? (pause) A business trip? I see. Well okay, maybe we’ll catch you next month.
(hangs up phone and calls another number)
VT: Hi Sister Dormant, this is sister _______ (pause). I am your visiting teacher.
(pause) Your visiting teacher….from the church. (pause) Oh, you haven’t been to church in a while? (pause) Well can I come over with Sister _______and visit? (pause) No? Oh, okay. Well, talk to you later I guess. Bye.
(hangs up the phone with a look of discouragement).
(enter SVT)
SVT: Never fear! SuperVisiting TeachingWoman is here!
VT: SuperVisitingTeachingWoman , how am I supposed to be a SUPER visiting teacher
if the sisters won’t let me visit?
SVT: I know it’s easy to get discouraged sometimes, but don’t give up, get creative! If
a visit isn’t possible, try to think of another way of expressing your love and concern. With her busy schedule, an e-mail message might be a good way to stay in touch with Sister Hectic. And Sister Dormant might appreciate a nice card, or baked goods! Homemade brownies with delicious buttercream frosting and walnuts (SVTW gets caught up in the vision of this) always says "I’m here if you need anything.”
At the end of the month if you can answer “yes” to this question: “Do my sisters know that I love them” ….then you are a SuperVisitingTeacher!
VT: Thanks SuperVisitingTeachingWoman!
SVT: (looking at Audience) No, Thank you!
I love it! Thanks for posting it!
Jer at 2/11/2007 08:52:00 PM
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I had the opportunity to see the skit performed LIVE and it was GREAT! Thanks for posting the script, Carrie.
Jen at 2/12/2007 05:57:00 AM
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I remember this! Loved it. I think casting the ward "ham" is key - our branch had so many to choose from! Thanks for posting this.
Melissa at 2/12/2007 09:22:00 AM
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Wow, how cute! I'm going to give it to my the VT Coordinater to see if she can use it on us. heh. :)
Anonymous at 2/12/2007 12:25:00 PM
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This is fantastic! I'm the visiting teaching coordinator in our ward and our RS President has been trying to get to come up with some kind of event to rally the troops. I've been passed a few ideas from other wards but this one is on the money! How much do I owe you when we use it?
Sarah at 2/19/2007 10:47:00 PM
BTW, thanks for sweet your note - I'm glad it lead me to this site - you ladies have a great thing going over here! How fun that all you old friends blog together :)
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