17 different women, 36 crazy children, 0 babies in utero
Adventures, Advice and Questions from a group of Mormon women who met in Queens, NY and have now scattered all over the place.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
The Reasons
I am the mother of a crazy 16 month old boy Ronin, and have lived in NYC a little over 2 yrs now. In that time, I have visited my family in Utah about 6 times. Yes I know…it’s a bit extreme, but opportunities arise and I take advantage. Well after so many trips you start to notice a pattern of life with your family and I thought I would share a few with you. SO without further ado my top 10 reasons why I love visiting my family in Utah:
1. My 6 yr old niece informing me that Ronin is WAY too old for a pacifier. (as if I need more guilt in my life)
2. Having to listen to FM100 because my mom wont let me touch the dials of her car radio.
3. Singing along to the songs on FM100 and realizing I know ALL the words to most soft rocks songs of the 80s and 90s. AAAAHHHH!
4. Feeling like a polygamist wife when I go out with my 4 sisters and their 13 children.
5. Eating so horribly I grow a NEW fat roll and have to spend the rest of the visit with my top button undone.
6. Getting sick with diarrhea AND vomiting and using the one toilet in the house that has “flushing” issues.
7. Staying in my old room and realizing how lame I actually was in high school.
8. Witnessing Ronin’s very first tantrum and being so confused, that for a moment I actually think he has been possessed by the devil.
9. Being absolutely sure Ronin is possessed by the devil as he scratches the face of a newborn, pulls the hair of the 11 month old, throws a 2yr old to the ground and pokes out the eye of a 4yr old all in a 10 minute period.
10.Wanting so desperately to come home, but crying in the airport when I finally have to leave.
Needless to say there is nothing quite like visiting your family. As always this last trip has been memorable and I cant wait to do it all again soon!
1. My 6 yr old niece informing me that Ronin is WAY too old for a pacifier. (as if I need more guilt in my life)
2. Having to listen to FM100 because my mom wont let me touch the dials of her car radio.
3. Singing along to the songs on FM100 and realizing I know ALL the words to most soft rocks songs of the 80s and 90s. AAAAHHHH!
4. Feeling like a polygamist wife when I go out with my 4 sisters and their 13 children.
5. Eating so horribly I grow a NEW fat roll and have to spend the rest of the visit with my top button undone.
6. Getting sick with diarrhea AND vomiting and using the one toilet in the house that has “flushing” issues.
7. Staying in my old room and realizing how lame I actually was in high school.
8. Witnessing Ronin’s very first tantrum and being so confused, that for a moment I actually think he has been possessed by the devil.
9. Being absolutely sure Ronin is possessed by the devil as he scratches the face of a newborn, pulls the hair of the 11 month old, throws a 2yr old to the ground and pokes out the eye of a 4yr old all in a 10 minute period.
10.Wanting so desperately to come home, but crying in the airport when I finally have to leave.
Needless to say there is nothing quite like visiting your family. As always this last trip has been memorable and I cant wait to do it all again soon!
Ahhhhhhh, I love number 8. That's a crack up. And what IS with getting sick on vacation? Glad you leave the bliss and come back to join us in NY. :)
Katie at 1/19/2006 06:32:00 AM
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#10 is so me. I get tired after a while, and I don't do well traveling...jetlag and time change---even just one zone---really messes with me. And it's not my house, and not my stuff...but then I get sad when I am getting dropped off at the curb. The worst moment like that was with daughter #1 a week old and my mom driving away in a cab. That was an ugly cry for all three of us.
Kage at 1/19/2006 09:15:00 AM
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It all sounds so familiar- but just enjoy the chance to get home often!
Melzie at 1/19/2006 10:42:00 AM
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Just tell your neice she hasn't seen anything until she comes to visit you in NYC. Last time I was there, I saw a 6-year-old with a pacifier on a gold chain around her neck.
ESOdhiambo at 1/19/2006 07:58:00 PM
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I just need to look back at my old prom dresses to remember how lame I was in high school. My mom actually kept them hanging in my old bedroom closet for years after I left.
This is Carrie at 1/20/2006 06:29:00 AM
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