17 different women, 36 crazy children, 0 babies in utero
Adventures, Advice and Questions from a group of Mormon women who met in Queens, NY and have now scattered all over the place.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Rite-Aid Haiku
in the checkout line
gripping my Vics and Nyquil
hazy with the flu
two girls curse and slur
punching and slapping ensue
oops....one is pregnant
white suburbanites
observe with looks of horror
I only want sleep
now walking outside
expecting the stale Queens air
wait....I'm in Reston
gripping my Vics and Nyquil
hazy with the flu
two girls curse and slur
punching and slapping ensue
oops....one is pregnant
white suburbanites
observe with looks of horror
I only want sleep
now walking outside
expecting the stale Queens air
wait....I'm in Reston
Beth at 3/12/2008 02:30:00 PM
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I think we need to start a weekly haiku series. This is great Jen, so funny!
marian at 3/12/2008 02:37:00 PM
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Dang. I hope you feel better. I wish I knew how to write a haiku, I would be game.
Kage at 3/12/2008 04:55:00 PM
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the science of it is pretty simple - 5 syllable line, 7 syllable line, 5 syllable line. The tough part is the art of expressing yourself in so few words...
marian at 3/12/2008 05:58:00 PM
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a haiku series would be awesome.
Melissa at 3/12/2008 07:42:00 PM
as i read this i was picturing queens the whole time. forgot you aren't there anymore.
marian - this might be the first time you have explained something without putting some cool link to the history of, or top haiku website or something.
posted by
thanks guys...I'm not sure why I was inspired to write a haiku, as I don't think I've tried to write one since....maybe the 7th grade. Must have been all the meds in my system. Anyways, it made me forget how bad I was feeling for...say 15 minutes.
Jen at 3/12/2008 07:59:00 PM
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I think 7th grade was the last time I wrote a haiku as well. Love yours.
This is Carrie at 3/12/2008 08:09:00 PM
And isn't cold season over yet? Eegads.
Hope you feel better soon.
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1) Love the haiku, Jen - isn't everything clearer with a haiku?
Sara at 3/12/2008 09:23:00 PM
2) I vote that we make this a new feature of the Tales blog. Thoughts?
3) I love that although Marian did NOT use a cool link to teach us she still started off her comment with "the science of it..." - that Marian, such a smartie :)
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This is Carrie at 3/12/2008 09:33:00 PM
regarding #2 - let's go for it.
You're next.
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Oh SNAP...
Sara at 3/12/2008 09:34:00 PM
OK, I'm on it...
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chloe- Could be a cool intro to your next stroller post.
This is Carrie at 3/12/2008 09:39:00 PM
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I *think* I'm supposed to be flattered that you all find me so helpful and knowledgeable? I'll take it.
marian at 3/13/2008 06:50:00 AM
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absolutely you should be flattered! I just meant that usually you bust out some amazing link. this time you did not disappoint, but you educated sans the link.
Melissa at 3/13/2008 08:30:00 AM
can't wait for the stroller haiku.
posted by
CRAP...OK, stroller haiku...
Sara at 3/13/2008 08:39:00 AM
I'll muse on it whilst I am in the dentist chair this morning...having a freakin' ROOT CANAL...
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