17 different women, 36 crazy children, 0 babies in utero
Adventures, Advice and Questions from a group of Mormon women who met in Queens, NY and have now scattered all over the place.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Let's Hear it for the Underdog
I am a college football junkie. I grew up with all brothers so there was never really an option. My husband also loves college sports, so it works out well. I have my teams (Go Cougars!!) but ever since I was a little girl, I have always cheered for the underdog. I like tight games, crazy plays, and upsets. The Fiesta Bowl provided all of that last night. The Boise State Broncos were on the field playing for all the underdogs and they pulled off an amazing victory. It was a roller coaster of a game packed with excitement, similar to the recent BYUvUtah game, one that I think even a non-football fan would enjoy.
What is it about the "underdog" that attracts people? I always root for them, but not just in football...in life. These stories are inspiring, uplifting, it's nice to see someone beat the odds and gives me courage to succeed as well. It's nice to hear and see these examples - I know they happen more than we think. What is your favorite Cindarella story?
What is it about the "underdog" that attracts people? I always root for them, but not just in football...in life. These stories are inspiring, uplifting, it's nice to see someone beat the odds and gives me courage to succeed as well. It's nice to hear and see these examples - I know they happen more than we think. What is your favorite Cindarella story?
My husband is also a college football junkie, so over the years I too have become a fan. Last nights game was an emotional one, but I was glad in the end that our home team came out on top. That is so true - it is always good to see the underdog win. It creates a little hope for us all to accomplish the unimaginable! Go Broncos!!
Anonymous at 1/02/2007 12:35:00 PM
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Well, its not a person I actually know but we just saw the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness" starring Will Smith - it is based on the true story of Chris Gardner, a bright single father who goes from being homeless to working at Dean Witter as a stockbroker and later owning/selling his own multi million dollar brokerage company. It is truly the story of an underdog who makes it and is one of the most inspiring stories I have ever heard. It made me appreciate all that I have...and also appreciate a strong work ethic.
chloe at 1/02/2007 12:57:00 PM
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Way to go, Idaho!!
Anonymous at 1/02/2007 04:08:00 PM
It's crazy, because I remember (growing up in Idaho) when Boise State only existed in the minds of ID Highschoolers --the nation had never heard of the place! It was a great game and DH and I were THRILLED with the results. Of course, DH is just anxious to prove the BCS people wrong and feel justified in calling them idiots...
I don't think I root for the underdog unless they really deserve it. Good teams that treat people well, and just do their best --they deserve it. Teams that just plain stink and are rude --nope, nothin' doing.
I'm a sucker for all those Underdog sports movies, too, like "Rudy" and "Remember the Titans" and "Cinderella Man"....Love those movies!
But I agree --there's just something wonderful about rooting for the underdog...
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Yeah, my DH was totally into this game and therefor got me hooked. It was very exciting. I, too, am a major sucker for those underdog sports movies. "Miracle", "Invincible", "The Rookie", "Glory Road" are a few more. I guess it's almost the same story told over and over with different players, but oh well.
Beth at 1/02/2007 10:21:00 PM
Chloe - definitely loved "The Pursuit of Happyness"... highly recommended if anyone hasn't seen it.
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Pursuit of Happyness is a great movie. We loved it too!
Melissa at 1/02/2007 10:59:00 PM
Also love all those aforementioned sports movies...can't foget Hoosiers!
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I live in Idaho not far from Boise and this story is HUGE! It is great for Idaho and for Boise State. I love any underdog story, they're all great. They give you hope that you can accomplish anything.
Anonymous at 1/03/2007 12:34:00 PM
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My mom is a big sports fan. But I never remember her having any favorite teams. She always rooted for the underdog.
This is Carrie at 1/03/2007 05:00:00 PM
We missed the end of the game because we went to bed early, but I did catch the highlights the next day. And it surely was a game even this non-sports fan could appreciate and even enjoy.
I think the way most underdog stories are played, the "champions" come off cocky and the "underdogs" are portrayed as having a lot of heart and usually a great backstory. A lot of it has to do with media "spin" but it is always nice to see good people who work hard succeed in the end.
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The Biose game took me right back to living in North Wymount in 1984. The Cougars were enjoyin ga cinderella season. Barry Switzer from OU was grimbling loud and clear that BYU should n't even be in the running for a National Championship. His team was the team. Who were we but a bunch of backwater farmers?
Anonymous at 1/03/2007 06:35:00 PM
This Boise game brought back the exhileration of beating Michigan from behind in the holiday bowl all those many years ago. I still have my national championship pin and preserve it as one of my fondest memories of BYU and married student life.
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Love Hoosiers and the "Miracle" story 1980 US Olympic hockey team. I love rags-to-riches and reaching the American Dream stories(as long as they stay humble in the process). I think that is why I married my DH, to me, he is the ultimate underdog, American Dream story, but I'm biased.
Jen at 1/04/2007 06:15:00 AM
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