17 different women, 36 crazy children, 0 babies in utero
Adventures, Advice and Questions from a group of Mormon women who met in Queens, NY and have now scattered all over the place.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
I do hereby resolve
New year's resolutions. Do you make 'em?
I don't usually, but I think this year I just might give it a try. Here are some of the things I'm thinking about:
1. A plan. I remember a few years ago, Kage taught an enrichment lesson on the Pursuit of Excellence program that the church has. It was an awesome lesson, especially since she herself had followed the program and been very dilligent about setting and recording goals, so she could speak to it personally. I've never been a very good documenter (no journaling or scrapbooking or even *gasp* baby booking for me) but I know that setting goals is pretty worthless if you don't figure out how you're going to meet them. So goal #1? Set a plan for the other goals!
2. Money. Simply put, spend less of it. I do not see myself as an extravagant person, I don't do a lot of shopping or entertaining or eating out. I have empty rooms in my house with no furniture, and we have one car in the family, which is seven years old. Yet when I look at how much money we supposedly made this year, and how much we have in the bank to show for it... GULP. So clearly, there are financial areas that could be improved upon! I've spent the last week reviewing our spending over the past year and a half (since we bought our house - financial life was pretty different before then!) and my next step is to figure out what I can change and set myself a new budget. See goal #1!
3. Exercise. Up until about 2 weeks ago, this goal would have read "Join the gym". But after setting goal #2, I'm not sure if that's the best way to go about things! Sure, the in-house babysitting would be great and would be an incentive to go (an hour off from mommying? that's worth time on the treadmill!), but I think I need to prove to myself that I'm actually going to do something before I go and spend money on it. So I'm going to set my Tivo to work, taping some of those workout shows on the TV, and start with once a week and build from there. I know, once a week is pretty pathetic, but it's one up from zero, right??? I'd like to say this resolution is about being healthy, but let's be honest. It's about losing weight. An extra 5lbs. have found their way to me in the last quarter of 2006, and I'd like them to go bother someone else!
So, what's on your New Year's Resolution list?
I don't usually, but I think this year I just might give it a try. Here are some of the things I'm thinking about:
1. A plan. I remember a few years ago, Kage taught an enrichment lesson on the Pursuit of Excellence program that the church has. It was an awesome lesson, especially since she herself had followed the program and been very dilligent about setting and recording goals, so she could speak to it personally. I've never been a very good documenter (no journaling or scrapbooking or even *gasp* baby booking for me) but I know that setting goals is pretty worthless if you don't figure out how you're going to meet them. So goal #1? Set a plan for the other goals!
2. Money. Simply put, spend less of it. I do not see myself as an extravagant person, I don't do a lot of shopping or entertaining or eating out. I have empty rooms in my house with no furniture, and we have one car in the family, which is seven years old. Yet when I look at how much money we supposedly made this year, and how much we have in the bank to show for it... GULP. So clearly, there are financial areas that could be improved upon! I've spent the last week reviewing our spending over the past year and a half (since we bought our house - financial life was pretty different before then!) and my next step is to figure out what I can change and set myself a new budget. See goal #1!
3. Exercise. Up until about 2 weeks ago, this goal would have read "Join the gym". But after setting goal #2, I'm not sure if that's the best way to go about things! Sure, the in-house babysitting would be great and would be an incentive to go (an hour off from mommying? that's worth time on the treadmill!), but I think I need to prove to myself that I'm actually going to do something before I go and spend money on it. So I'm going to set my Tivo to work, taping some of those workout shows on the TV, and start with once a week and build from there. I know, once a week is pretty pathetic, but it's one up from zero, right??? I'd like to say this resolution is about being healthy, but let's be honest. It's about losing weight. An extra 5lbs. have found their way to me in the last quarter of 2006, and I'd like them to go bother someone else!
So, what's on your New Year's Resolution list?
Pursuit of Excellence, though a little outdated, is a great program, but a LOT.
Kage at 12/31/2006 07:20:00 PM
Last week I was feeling so BLAH about NYR's. Then I picked up January's REAL SIMPLE and much of what was in there helped put some things into perspective for me. It's a good read.
Oh, and I also went to see Charlotte's Web which having nothing to do with goal-setting, also helped me to feel better about making NYR's. That Charlotte...what a spider!
I think the most important thing about goal setting at ANY time of year is to be specific. Instead of "Try to be nicer"....say:
1. Tattoo my wrist with the words BE NICE as a permanent reminder to be nice. OR Crossstitch a sampler for my wall that says: BE NICE
All joking aside:
2. Pray to find those that need a kind word or deed extended to them.
3. Pray before leaving my house into the lone and dready world, focus on the positive around me, pay forward nice acts...or start the nice act. Here, please go ahead of me in the line...OH, you need a nickel? I have one right here...
4.Breathe when frustrated.
Of these three goals I might pick out key words:
to write on my calender, to chant in my head, to post on a blog...
Then I am reminded of the more specific actions that will help me to achieve my number 1 goal (of about 20-30) of 2007 to BE NICER.
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I never really make NYR's. Mostly because I hate to see them fail. Instead, I try to focus on what I need to do throughout the year. It's always right around Spring or Fall that new goals come into my life --and for the most part, I keep them! Like last March, I decided I wanted to get in shape. After finding a walking partner, joining WW and being convinced by my walking partner to start running, I made a goal to run my first 5K...By June, I had done it.
Anonymous at 12/31/2006 11:42:00 PM
Then, back in October (or Sept?) I decided I wanted a cleaner home (to de-stress my life). So I changed my habits and attitude and just got on top of things. Granted, it's not always perfect, but the house is 90% cleaner and easier to maintain.
Anyways, I'm sure I'm rambling because it's so late, but I guess that's a long explanation for why I don't have NYR's. But if I would/could/should do it...then they would be:
1-Be more patient
2-De-junk the house before the baby is born
3-Be happy with wherever DH gets his new job
Yay for 2007! :)
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Ah yes, the NYR. This is the first year that I'm not feeling completely overwhelmed with the need to make lots of resolutions - maybe it's because I'm older and wiser? Nah!
chloe at 1/01/2007 09:50:00 AM
Exercise - I'm healthier, I sleep better and of course, I look better when I'm doing some form of exercise. Running feels good and I'm lucky that DH runs marathons for fun - there's always a spirit of running and fitness in our house. I commited to twice a week to the gym and one additional day of treadmill time at the house. It takes 3 solid weeks for something to become a pattern - I started last week so 2 weeks to go until it's set in stone (hopefully)!
Business - I need to focus more on paperwork/inventory instead of pulling in more stores - I have enough stores! This will make my life easier near tax time.
Spiritual - Attend the temple with greater frequency. We had the opportunity to go over Christmas and it was SO nice. Our temple is 45 minutes away - there is no excuse.
Taking time out - Between work and LIFE I'm busy, just like everyone else. I need to remember to take more time out, 10 minutes to CHILL, whether it's playdoh with my kids or reading a few pages of a book. This will make me a happier person.
I love 2007 already!
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SUIDDDDYYYYYYY.....glad your doing great!
Anonymous at 1/01/2007 08:19:00 PM
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Watch less TV, read more. I usually put the boys to bed and watch a show or two...but I haven't been sleeping as well since I started that...
Jen at 1/02/2007 06:38:00 AM
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I am trying to break out of a pattern of superstition about writing down anything related to goals/resolutions! I don't even to like to make "to-do" lists. I have no idea why but they freak me out!
Anonymous at 1/02/2007 07:45:00 AM
BUT things I'd really LIKE to do with this new year:
The typical spiritual stuff, read scriptures every day... etc..but I really want to start praying OUT LOUD again. For some reason I have only prayed quietly for a very long time.(Outside of group family prayers)
And I too have about 5-10 lbs that I want gone NOW. So however I can accomplish that I will.
Increase my ability to be a teacher to my children. I am not a "natural" when it comes to that.
Also, I would like to re--learn some great piano music to play on occasion (after 5 1/2 years of lessons growing up, I never did learn to sight read) since we recently had a very large GIFT of a baby grand piano bestowed upon us. (A really sweet story I will share on my blog soon)
Those are SOME of the things I currently have on my "inner"
NYR list!~
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I love making NYR's.
Melissa at 1/02/2007 10:46:00 AM
This year I made two major goals and then subgoals or steps to help me reach my two majors. This is the first year I have done it this way...I'll see how it goes.
Happy snappy 2007!
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I have two this year. They actually have more to do with turning 35 in February than the New Year, but here goes:
Anonymous at 1/02/2007 08:00:00 PM
1. Be Well- sure I have weight I want to lose, but mainly I just want to feel well physically, mentally and emotionally. I'm hoping maybe some yoga will fend off the arthritis and high blood pressure looming in my genes.
2. Be Courageous- I am naturally kind of afraid. I want to be done with that. I am going to continue writing and attempting to get published--not really for fame, just because I love the idea of holding a hard bound, ISBN'd, Library of Congressed product of mine in my hands. I also want to visit more big cities so I won't be so afraid of big city visiting. (that's an entry for another time though)
I've been inspired by women like Kage (love the CD- got it as a gift for Christmas!) and the Spongy Feet blankets are amazing. It's nice to know there are women out there balancing everything in the pursuit of health and happiness.
And Marian, your money troubles lie with that charming chap who has a fondness for starting businesses. You may have to make the fudge cookies and get out some monopoly money to make your point. He can be taught--I promise. I'm just afraid financial intelligence is not in our gene pool!
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I think it's always good to make resolutions about things you CAN do instead of things you can't. For example, instead of "don't eat as much chocolate", I'd say, "eat more green vegetables" or "drink more water".
Beth at 1/02/2007 10:29:00 PM
I'm not huge on NYR. But I do have a few (even though I think I resolve to work of these kinds of things more than once during the year). Read my scriptures everyday. Have FHE every week and don't forget family prayer at night. Pray for opportunities to serve. Open the accounts that our financial planner guy advised us to open. Floss everyday.
We'll see how I do.
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This is Carrie at 1/03/2007 04:55:00 PM
reading your money goal was like reading my own except I don't even have a house to show for it!
And my favorite part of the Pursuit of Excellence program was the idea of picking goals in all different areas of life. I remember the one year I did PofE (right after Kage's inspiring lesson) one of my goals was to learn to belly dance. I always make sure to set goals to not only be a better individual both physically and spiritually but to also expand my horizons and have more fun. These kinds of goals keep my motivated to accomplish the other, harder, not-so-fun ones.
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