17 different women, 36 crazy children, 0 babies in utero
Adventures, Advice and Questions from a group of Mormon women who met in Queens, NY and have now scattered all over the place.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
The man of my dreams...
I have always had vivid dreams...and I tend to remember them (for good or bad). It's actually something I like about myself. I learn about me and my relationships with others through my dreams. They also serve as some bizarre entertainment now and again.
And once in awhile...I have absolutely torrid, hot and kooky dreams about other men that I am not married to. Lots of times I never see their face, just what we're doing. It's almost better that way. 2 or 3 times these dreams have involved people I actually know or are friends with (husbands of friends pop up now and again - it's AWFUL. Seriously awful). And sometimes...a few famous men drop by.
My most recent "conquest" in my dreams? It's totally bizarro, I know. Anderson Cooper. Just typing his name makes me blush right now. Me and Anderson Cooper had a REALLY good time and shouldn't he be covering the crisis in the Middle East instead of me??? Oh, those eyes...Let me set the stage:
I am wearing an ill fitting bridesmaid dress with a black bow in my hair, standing in the middle of the desert. I appear to be around 20 but I can't be sure. I have that "I'm young and careless, dressed odd with lots of dark eye makeup" look. Mr. Cooper is off to the side of me, reporting on something or taking pictures of desert "locals" and our eyes met. He walks over. We never speak. And then...well...whoa mama. Can you do this kind of stuff in the desert? Is it adviseable? I can't stop thinking about him. Who knew Anderson Cooper could be so seductive out there in the sand?
There was another time a few years ago when Justin Timberlake made an appearance in my dreams. He tried everything he could think of to seduce me and nothing worked (under MOST circumstances I am very seducible) - I told him that I was happily married and we could never be together. So funny. He had cute hair...
All of this has caused me to wonder what dreams you girls have had...and if Anderson Cooper has shown up in any of them. Come on, spill it... You KNOW that you haven't been 100% faithful in your dreams...
And once in awhile...I have absolutely torrid, hot and kooky dreams about other men that I am not married to. Lots of times I never see their face, just what we're doing. It's almost better that way. 2 or 3 times these dreams have involved people I actually know or are friends with (husbands of friends pop up now and again - it's AWFUL. Seriously awful). And sometimes...a few famous men drop by.
My most recent "conquest" in my dreams? It's totally bizarro, I know. Anderson Cooper. Just typing his name makes me blush right now. Me and Anderson Cooper had a REALLY good time and shouldn't he be covering the crisis in the Middle East instead of me??? Oh, those eyes...Let me set the stage:
I am wearing an ill fitting bridesmaid dress with a black bow in my hair, standing in the middle of the desert. I appear to be around 20 but I can't be sure. I have that "I'm young and careless, dressed odd with lots of dark eye makeup" look. Mr. Cooper is off to the side of me, reporting on something or taking pictures of desert "locals" and our eyes met. He walks over. We never speak. And then...well...whoa mama. Can you do this kind of stuff in the desert? Is it adviseable? I can't stop thinking about him. Who knew Anderson Cooper could be so seductive out there in the sand?
There was another time a few years ago when Justin Timberlake made an appearance in my dreams. He tried everything he could think of to seduce me and nothing worked (under MOST circumstances I am very seducible) - I told him that I was happily married and we could never be together. So funny. He had cute hair...
All of this has caused me to wonder what dreams you girls have had...and if Anderson Cooper has shown up in any of them. Come on, spill it... You KNOW that you haven't been 100% faithful in your dreams...
um...Anderson Cooper is gay.
Anonymous at 7/25/2006 08:13:00 AM
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um...I think she stated it was a DREAM. And in my opinion, he is VERY dreamy.
This is Carrie at 7/25/2006 08:26:00 AM
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Yes, I know that he's gay. And it was a dream. And we STILL had lots of fun :)
chloe at 7/25/2006 08:30:00 AM
Ever noticed that lots of dreamy guys are unfortunately (for us ladies) gay?
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i couldn't picture in my head who anderson cooper was, so i googled him. go chloe!
Anonymous at 7/25/2006 08:52:00 AM
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My dreams invlove spiders.
Starfoxy at 7/25/2006 09:46:00 AM
Big ones.
I've never had torrid dreams (yet), just ones where spiders the size of dinner plates are attacking different people.
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Is he really gay? Wow...my gaydar failed me bigtime on that one.
Jen at 7/25/2006 10:11:00 AM
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Colin Ferrell, yeah. There's just something about him . . . he's stopped by a couple of my dreams. . . oh and Johnny Dep, well more specifically Captain Jack Sparrow. He's hot in that movie.
Trivial Mom at 7/25/2006 10:24:00 AM
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I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that has those type of dreams. The most recent one involved a MTV reality show person. How crazy is that?
Erin at 7/25/2006 10:30:00 AM
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I never really remember my dreams. It's annoying because sometimes I wake up feeling really happy and wishing I could remember what the circumstances were.
This is Carrie at 7/25/2006 10:44:00 AM
But I would love to remember a dream about Anderson Cooper. I agree about those eyes and he has this very attractive "refined ruggedness". Yowza. I also think Sean Connery and Harrison Ford are pretty dreamy maybe because they also have a portray a sort of "refined ruggedness". But, honestly Brad Pitt and Colin Farrell do nothing for me - maybe too rugged? Or maybe I just have some sort of freakish father complex.
Tracy M - I bet your dh stopped laughing after her realized his mix up--there's a big difference between will farrell and colin farrell. LOL.
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I had a crazy dream the other night about the Take Home Chef. Has anyone else seen that show? The thing is I've only watched it once or twice and I wasn't lusting after him or anything. Random!..... must've been in my subconscious somewhere.
Beth at 7/25/2006 10:59:00 AM
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Tracy M., I love that your husband got the two Ferrell's confused - there is a BIG difference.
chloe at 7/25/2006 11:20:00 AM
Jen, I didn't know he was gay (or reported to be gay - he's never said publically) either. But hey, I can dream.
Maybe he'll come back and visit me again. We can talk about how he needs to be straight. Or maybe we won't talk at all - I like it better that way :)
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call me crazy, anything goes in the crib....well almost anything.
Kage at 7/25/2006 01:55:00 PM
I haven't had a dream like that in quite a while, the last ones I remember were George Clooney and Viggo. I mean, come on....he is tops for me. So dreamy. That kiss in the end of the trilogy, yowza.
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To Call Me Crazy, my husband has crazy dreams too - we tell each other about them and laugh. Adn that's the end of it. Trust me, men are having the same kinds of dreams - they're just not contributors to this blog so they wouldn't write a post about it. And if they did, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I don't think there's a double standard here, at least for me there isn't. Like Tracy M. says, they're JUST dreams. We can't control our subconcious (believe me, I've tried to no avail).
chloe at 7/25/2006 02:13:00 PM
And yes, Kage, on this blog almost anything goes...
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I just had my first one of these dreams since I've been married. IT was awful. It was with Wayne Coyne of the band The Flaming Lips. The dream started out interesting and it was great talking to Wayne. Then it took a turn for the worst. I felt so guilty when I remembered I was married and then Wayne morphed into this horrible dirty old man. I felt so gross and horrible when I woke up. Blech.
tamrobot at 7/25/2006 03:50:00 PM
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So when my DH tells me he only has sex dreams about me, he's lying?
Jen at 7/25/2006 04:15:00 PM
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I agree with call me crazy. Yes you can't help your dreams, but some things are truly inappropiate to talk about. Your just one dream away from day dreaming about _______? then constantly thinking about________? then flirting with other men and then before you know it that dream became a real life nightmare for you and your spouse. just a something to think about! Every action has first a thought. not to be judgemental, but rather cautious
Anonymous at 7/25/2006 04:52:00 PM
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IMHO, it's a pretty far jump from dreaming about Anderson Cooper who is gay to flirting with some random straight guy in your life. At least for me. But, if you are worried about your own self control, by all means, keep your dreams to yourself.
Anonymous at 7/25/2006 05:12:00 PM
My husband loves when I have crazy dreams like this. He's appreciative of anything that gets my blood pumpin' because they are JUST DREAMS and he gets the reward in the end.
Now if my dreams began being occupied by some real guy in my everyday life - like the pool man or the mailman, or the grocery store clerk, maybe it would be different? I think I would feel much more uncomfortable.
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Yeah, I don't think Viggo would ever reciprocate any moves I made on him....
Kage at 7/25/2006 05:19:00 PM
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Totally agree with Don't call me crazy - having dreams and reflecting on them, even talking about them is a far cry from ACTING on those dreams. And if you're concerned about acting on your dreams, there are bigger problems than just the dreams.
chloe at 7/25/2006 06:25:00 PM
Besides, I am supremely confident that anyone I have had a dream about wouldn't be interested in me in the slightest or me in them (in the real world). Probably true for my husband too.
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Matthew MaConah... McCouna...Mc...Okay, so I can't spell his last name, but you know who I mean. Yeah, he's in there occasionally.
Cheryl at 7/25/2006 08:16:00 PM
If you feel guilty about your dreams, then I think most of us should stop dreamin'. Let's see, I have had relations in my dreams with past boyfriends, neighbors, and famous movie stars. Oh, and my husband. Of course, the best part about those dreams is that when it's DH, I can wake up and make my dreams come true. :) :)
Oh, and just so you know, the THOUGHT needs to be voluntary and concious for it to become an action. When you are dreaming it is INvoluntary and you are NOT concious. Sorry, but I have enough things to feel guilty about... now I have to control my dreams!?!??!
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To Tracy M, amen sister. Dream on women!
chloe at 7/25/2006 10:29:00 PM
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call me crazy, a litt PS. As I was brushing my teeth this morning at 5:58, I realized a few things:
Kage at 7/26/2006 04:15:00 AM
A. there has always been a double standard b/n men and women, that is why there are feminists.
B. As to sexual fantasies. I understand those to be conscious made-up dreams/fantasies that you have a strong desire to play out. This is very different from a subconscious, you-can't-control-it dream.
C. The content that we are sharing here is basically subjects in the dream, not the details of what went on. I think there is a big difference there.
I didn't want to blow you off and call you crazy back, I wanted to legitimately defend my position that yeah, you might be a little crazy....but I am too.
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I once had a dream about this man I wanted oh so badly. I kept telling him that I couldn't, I was married, I had a son - but he was so hot! Turns out the man I wanted so bad, was my very own husband! Not sure what that means (exept that I think my husband is hot...)
Melissa at 7/26/2006 08:59:00 AM
I can see where call me crazy is coming from. I don't really see myself in this post pregnancy bod of mine falling off my chair laughing about my husbands dream about rolling in the hay with Salma Hayek. Especially when I am still trying to get back into that saddle...
I guess I have a double standard? Or poor self esteem...
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You'll have to count me out on this one--it's too fun to have these dreams just between me and my man. :)
Katie at 7/26/2006 10:07:00 AM
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Hold on, you actually SAW Brad Pitt or was this a dream? Do tell Tri Mama!
chloe at 7/27/2006 10:23:00 PM
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Cheryl, I just get around spselling out Matthew McConna-whatever's name by shortening it to McConna-hotty.
Julie at 7/28/2006 07:31:00 AM
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julie- Ooh, I like that!
Cheryl at 7/28/2006 08:39:00 AM
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KSL, I'm sorry but that was really funny to read! Yes, your hormones are completely out of whack, but such entertaining dreams!
chloe at 7/28/2006 03:08:00 PM
Tri Mama - I'm so jealous that you saw this funky family. I think that Angelina is one of the coolest chicks on the planet and would die if I saw her in real life - so cool.
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